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Florist Friday Recap 9/15 – 9/21: Autumn Allure

It is, of course, our readers favorite day of the week – Friday! The day when we showcase all of the incredible designs our florist friends have shared with us on Facebook this week. Although tomorrow (Sept 22) is the official first day of fall, florists have had a jump on it for a few weeks now! So let’s get on to the pictures and enjoy the allure of autumn colors.

Fall Flower Arrangements

Early fall flower arrangement by Trigs Floral & Home in Minocqua, WI

Early fall flower arrangement by Trigs Floral & Home in Minocqua, WI

“Feeling fallish…?”

Fall flowers by Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

Fall flowers by Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

“Folks have started asking for fall flowers. So much fun!”

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The Colors of Fall – Trends for 2012

Possibly the most beautiful season of all, the colors of autumn are something we look forward to all year. The rustic reds, dusty oranges, and saffron yellows tantalize our senses like no other hues. However, it’s often the POP of accent color that takes everyone by surprise.

Last year, a washed-denim blue was a popular favorite. It was everywhere you would see fall color — wedding flowers, fashion trends, and especially home decor. This fall, blue is back but in even more colors and shades. You will also see a lot of unexpected colors, such as: lime greens, purples, magentas and other jewel tones.

2012 Fall Flower Color Trends

Let’s take a look at a few fashion-inspired color palettes you can use for your fall flowers and decorating.
(4Florists: Create and promote designs using these trendy colors and you’ll do more than turn a few heads this fall!)

Early Fall - Fall color trends Contemporary Autumn Flowers

Early Fall

The colors of early fall give re-energize us and get us excited for the season to come. In the color palette above, you see an abundance of bright greens and yellows, just like the first stages of the changing leaves. Pops of rusty brown and burgundy really make this color scheme a big trend for the season.

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Discover Fall Flowers

Discover Fall Through Flowers

Discover Fall Through Flowers

Who can resist the palette of autumn hues? As the temperature gets cooler, fall into fall with the beauty of fall colors and flowers. Whether it be a basket of fall flowers, or a rustic mum houseplant, treat yourself to fall flowers. There’s no better way to celebrate fall than with the natural beauty of the season.

Top 10 Flowers For Fall [Read more…]

Send Sunshine & Sunflowers

Season to Send Sunflowers

No matter how hot it gets, summer is always a favorite time of year. The outdoor fun, cookouts, shorts and flip flops — what’s not to love? As summer draws to a close, its easy to catch the blues. This year, savor summer til the very last drop.

A great way to do this is by bringing the joy of summer indoors to enjoy at all times. How? Sunflowers! The sunflower is named after its huge, fiery blooms, whose shape is often used to represent the sun.

Adding sunflowers to your decor will bring you happiness and warm-summer feelings during all hours of the day. They are also a great decor addition as we descend into fall.

Think of where you could use a little sunshine, perhaps the office? Of course! Pamper yourself with a little sun; send yourself sunflowers! It’s okay to spoil yourself once in a while.

Summer Sunflowers

Sending Sunflowers

Think of others who may need a little summer pick-me-up; grandparents, relatives or friends you have not spoken to in a while. It’s time to let them know they’re on your mind by sending sunflowers.

Sunflower Symbolism

  • If you live in Kansas, your reason for sending sunflowers has just doubled! It’s the Kansas State Flower!
  • Live to ‘Go Green‘? The sunflower is the symbol for the green movement.
  •  Dating an art lover? Send her sunflowers in appreciation of the Van Gogh series.
  • Did you know the sunflower is native to the Americas and was originally domesticated in present day Mexico? Sunflowers make the perfect hostess gift at your next fiesta!

If you want to send sunflowers, contact your local florist. You can use FSN’s handy Local Florist Finder to find yours today!

Send Red-Hot Flowers To Your Summer Love

Summer love is blooming everywhere. Whether it’s a new summer love or re-kindling the romance through summer activities, everyone is feeling closer together. There is always something fun to do during the summer: trips to the lake, hiking, camping, picnics, out-door parties, etc. These are only better when you’re with the one you love.

Red-Hot Summer Flowers

So guys, how do you spark romance during the summer? Send her red-hot summer flowers! Think about it – It’s Monday, you’ve got big plans for the weekend and you both can’t wait to get outdoors again. Send her red-hot flowers to remind her the weekend is almost here and soon the fun will begin again!

Tip: If you know her favorite color or flower, send her those instead! Take it from a girl who knows, we love it when our guys pay attention to the little details.

And remember, always always always use a real local florist when sending flowers. Don’t know your local flower shop? Use our handy florist finder to find yours today!

Send Summer’s Color-ific Blooms!

Colorful Summer Flowers

What is your favorite thing about summer? The lake? Picnics? Poolside? Chances are, it has something to do with the outdoors! As we move into the dog days of summer, it’s not quite as easy to stay outdoors.

You’re in luck; it’s easy to bring the colors and fun of summer inside with a lush bouquet of flowers. Your flowerbed may be suffering outside, but inside you can be greeted with beautiful summer blooms.

Perhaps you know someone who is unable to get out and enjoy their summer. Flowers are a great way to send cheer and let them know you care.

Best colors for summer:

  • Yellow – Think sunshine and sunflowers.
  • Orange – Because it’s hot!
  • Magenta – Jewel-toned beauty.
  • Bright Green – Fresh grass.
  • Coral – Beach memories.
  • Sky Blue – Bright skies.

Just remember, when it’s time to order flowers, always always always order from your local florist! Use our handy florist finder to find your local flower shop today!

Summer Love Blooms Here!

Summer Flowers = Summer Love

Oh how sweet it is to be in love in the summer. There are so many great activities and parties in the summer, there’s no excuse not to have fun with the one you love.

Whether you’ve just had your first date or you’re going on 50 years, summer is the time to kindle or rekindle the love you have in the seasonal heat. What better way to do this than the always-romantic gift of flowers?

Let’s face it, we’re almost into the dog days of summer where we’ll be spending most of our time indoors beating the heat. Why not bring the romance of flowers inside for your summer love? If your partner is off on business or other reasons, why not send a surprise, summer flower arrangement to let him or her know you care?

Let your summer love bloom with flowers from your local florist. Don’t know yours? Let FSN help with our handy local florist finder; get started spreading summer love today!

Beat The Heat With Summer Flowers!

Summer Flowers

Looking for a good way to beat the heat this summer? Why not a cool flower arrangement?

I know what you’re thinking, how do flowers help keep me cool? Flowers give us the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of summer flowers but from the comfort of indoors! With this summer’s heat wave, staying indoors is a good idea. Summer flowers make the perfect centerpieces for backyard BBQs, block parties, and any other summer get-togethers. They are also a great hostess gift to bring when attending a festive party.

Know someone who is unable to go outside and enjoy the sunny season? They deserve flowers most of all. Flowers never fail to lift spirits and put a smile on someone’s face. Whether it’s temporary bed rest or something more permanent, share the beauty of the season with all who could use it.

Don’t miss these tips for keeping flowers cool!

Just remember, when sending flowers always always always use a real local florist. If you don’t know your hometown flower shop, use FSN’s handy local florist finder to find yours today!


How Florists Keep Flowers Cool During The Heat

Wooo! It’s a scorcher out there, and it’s only going to get worse! I don’t know about you, but I can barely keep my lawn alive during this heat, and flowers — forget about it! So how is it florists keep such beautiful flowers all year long, even Sun - Heating Things up for Floristson deliveries?! Here are some tips our florists shared with us yesterday.

Tips For Keeping Flowers Cool In The Heat

  • Make sure the A/C in your delivery vehicle is in good shape and prepared for summer.
  • Make sure the delivery vehicle is cooled off before loading. via Lisa from West End Florist, Rome GA
  • Invest in a spare key so you can leave the car running while making other deliveries. – via Emily from The Enchanted Florist, Asheville NC
  • Check newly arrived flowers for improper temperatures.
  • Immediately prep and refrigerate newly arrived flowers.
  • Try not to move flowers in and out of the cooler while designing.
  • Make sure the temperature of your cooler is adjusted properly for your flowers.
  • Choose lighter colored delivery vehicles to help keep them cool.

Flowers and plants need to be kept at a certain temperature in order to breath and intake food properly. Keeping flowers at a consistent temperature is vital for reaching a it’s full vase-life potential. Low temperatures also slow down the growth of bacteria and other micro-organisms, which will extend the vase life for customers.

Before a flower arrives at your local flower shop, it has made a long journey. Starting with the growers, they are shipped in refrigerated planes or trucks to the wholesale level. Wholesalers keep these flowers in coolers until they are shipped to the florist, who also stores them inside a cooler. After all this refrigeration, you can see why flowers would get finicky once they are out of the cool. Florists do their best to maintain the right temperatures for their flowers.

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Make A Splash: Send Summer Flowers!

Make A Splash With Summer Flowers

Today, June 20th, is the FIRST day of SUMMER! The summer season is just beginning and today is the time of year when the Sun is farthest north, aka the Summer Solstice or the longest day of the year.

How are you planning to celebrate? Summer is the time of year to get outside, have picnics, and go swimming. Who doesn’t enjoy lounging by the lake or beach? This summer, make a splash by bringing the colors of summer indoors with flowers. Use cheerful, sunny colors to really brighten up any home decor.

If you know someone who is unable to get out and enjoy the summer sun, sending flowers is the guaranteed way to put a smile on their face. No matter if they live down the street or across the country, your local florist can help you send them joy.

No matter what, take some time from your busy day to enjoy this long summer day while it lasts. The year will be over before you know it, take your time and savor summer.