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Showers Bring May Flowers, But If Not, Give Your Florist A Call

Colors of Spring Through FlowersIt’s impossible not to love the feeling of spring. That first day when you are able to go outside without a jacket is always wonderful. When you can enjoy the night air without your teeth chattering, you know your heart feels light and free. It’s simply human nature to bask in this glorious season.

There is a part of spring that makes it somewhat difficult, however, and that is all the rain. They say April’s showers bring May flowers, and that is definitely true. The spring saturation enables summer flowers to grow with gusto. There are many spring flowers that don’t mind the showers: daffodils, hyacinths, tulips and irises. These perk their colorful heads up as soon as they feel the slightest amount of warmth.

Enjoy Spring Flowers Inside (Without the Rain)

Spring rain might stop you from enjoying spring flowers outside, but there is still a way to enjoy the colors of spring indoors. Simply contact your local florist and order yourself a bundle of spring! You can order something from their large selection of spring designs, or ask them to create something special just for you using their freshest spring flowers. Either way, flowers are the best way to enjoy this wonderful season.

First Day of Spring – Celebrate Spring Equinox

Ah, spring! This season brings more sunshine, warming temperatures, and the rebirth of flowers everywhere.

Warsaw Equinox Festival PhotoThe first day of spring is also the Vernal equinox. The word equinox is derived from the Latin words meaning “equal night.” Days and nights are both approximately 12 hours long, with daytime increasing afterwards. Spring is heralded by the blooming of deciduous magnolias, quince, tulips and daffodils. Life everyone seems to ‘spring forth’.

The celebration of spring takes place in all corners of the world — from India’s Holi color festival, to the hot air balloon festival at the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, people everywhere celebrate this ancient solar holiday.

What do many of these celebrations have in common?

  • Spring Flowers – Flowers have been an steady constant in spring celebrations throughout time for people all across the globe. From the symbolic Easter lily that represents a person’s faith in western cultures, to gifts, offerings and blessings of flowers to gods and ancestors in many eastern cultures — flowers are an essential part of most spring celebrations.
  • Spring Cleaning – We do it every year to prepare for summer fun, and you know how great it makes you feel to clear out the junk that seems to pile up during the cold months. In many cultures, the spring clean is a crucial part of practicing their faith.

How can you celebrate spring?

  • Decorate your home – Use spring colors and lots of fresh flowers. Replace anything using dark, winter colors with a fresh new breath of spring.
  • Celebrate family heritage – Take some time to research how your ancestors might have celebrated the solar holiday. For instance, if you come from an ancient Celt background, you might light a bonfire to observe the ancient Gaelic spring festival of Imbolc, in honor your past.
  • Family reunion – That’s what they do in Japan for the vernal equinox, in addition to visiting family graves.
  • A day for Mom – Honor mom with springtime gifts, including flowers and plants. In many Arab countries, the period of the equinox is set aside to honor mothers. Yes, we have Mother’s Day for that, but why wait when you can double her joy?
  • Sunrise celebration – Throughout time, cultures all across the globe have celebrated during sunrise on the morning of the vernal equinox. Why not wake up a little early just to watch the sun rise, especially if the weather is warm enough?

There’s no right or wrong way to celebrate the beginning of spring. Find your own way to welcome the new and highly anticipated season. If you have any suggestions, please add them in the comments below!

Photo via National Geographic

However Long The Winter, Spring Will Soon Follow

No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow. Those are re-assuring words to us all as we shiver through the last leg of winter. According to groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, earlier this month, spring will be arriving early. However, the weather doesn’t seem to be cooperating.

At any rate, spring is guaranteed to follow the cold of winter. You might have already noticed a few yellow heads of daffodils perking up early already. Why not spring into spring early with spring flowers?

The winter blues can really get you down; bounce back early by ordering spring flowers for yourself and your family. Sure, it may sound a little cheesy, but it works!

Yellow Spring Tulips Yellow Spring Flowers Spring Green Flowers

Click on any of the above pictures of flowers to see our spring flower collection and be connected with a real local florist in your area. You can also use our handy local florist finder to find a genuine local flower shop in your city.

Let Flowers Symbolize Your New Year Resolutions

Flower Symbols

With a brand new year on the horizon, we’ve all started thinking about what we can do to make it better than the previous. We all have good intentions when creating New Years’ resolutions, however, most of us never follow through. Why? We tend to make a lot of promises to ourselves we can’t keep — Loose 20 lbs; stop smoking; read a book every month. While these are great goals to have, it can be extremely overwhelming to start these all at once on January 1st.

How To Keep Those New Year’s Resolutions

Choose New Year’s resolutions that aren’t as hard to keep. Instead, make goals to yourself that are broad, fit into your routine and are also fun to do! Instead of focusing on drastically changing your habits, choose resolutions to enhance those aspects of your lifestyle.

Let Flowers Symbolize Your New Year

Each flower has a meaning that dates back as far as Victorian times. These meanings symbolize anything from ‘love’ to ‘wealth & prosperity.’ This New Years, let flowers symbolize what you want 2013 to mean to you. Symbolic flowers with specific meanings will help you visualize and empower your goals. Order flowers for yourself or to decorate your home for the new year, make it a new tradition. Use the flower meanings tool to find symbols of exactly what you want your new year to be for you and your family.

Luck & StrengthBest New Year’s Resolutions To Keep

  • Spend more time with family. (Aster, Lily, Statice)
  • Go to lunch with friends more often. (Aster, Peony)
  • Enjoy life more. (Gerbera Daisy, Peony, Statice)
  • Find time to read more. (Iris, Protea, Heather)
  • Learn something new. (Iris, Protea)
  • Join a gym class you’ll actually enjoy. (yoga, dancing?) (Gerbera Daisy, Protea)
  • Save money. (Iris, Heather, Bells of Ireland)
  • Find ways to recycle more. (Iris, Aster, Protea)
  • Cut back on smoking. Find ways to commit to the quit. (Protea, Gerbera Daisy, Aster, Lily)
  • Devote more time to hobbies and fun. Especially with the family. (Aster, Peony, Statice)
  • Visit somewhere new. (Protea, Heather, Gerbera Daisy)
  • Give or volunteer to help those in need. (Aster, Protea, Heather)

Here are a few good flower meanings to get you started: [Read more…]

Tips For Keeping Christmas Flowers Fresher, Longer!

Keeping Christmas Flowers Fresh

So, you’ve got your beautiful holiday centerpiece, maybe a gorgeous Christmas flower arrangement or a lovely red poinsettia, but now what? With a little extra care, you can keep your holiday flowers all the way to New Years!

For Christmas Arrangements & Centerpieces

  • Christmas FlowersKeep flowers watered. The water level of your arrangement needs to be high enough to cover all stems. If your flowers came in a tray with foam, keep the water topped off.
  • It’s important to add fresh water every day.
  • Carefully remove any wilted or dead leaves from the arrangement. Make sure there is no foliage dipping down into the water.
  • It’s time to change the water if it gets cloudy!
  • When changing water, re-cut stems with a sharp knife at a 45° angle before adding new flowers. This will help them absorb more nutrients.
  • If your florist provided you with floral preservative, use according to directions when changing your flower arrangement’s water.

Caring For Your Poinsettia

Keeping the soil moist, but not soggy, is essential when caring for poinsettias. This can be accomplished by watering it thoroughly when the soil is dry to the touch. Make sure the container has drain holes. It is imperative to remove any excess water from the saucer.

Poinsettia Plant CarePoinsettias do best in high humidity with a temperature range of 60 degrees at night and 72 degrees during the day. Avoid exposing poinsettias to temperature swings from cold drafts, heating vents or doorways. Poinsettias need approximately six hours of indirect light. Do not fertilize when the plant is blooming.  – From 2007’s Legend of the Poinsettia

What Causes Poinsettia Problems

  • Temperature swings
  • Over-watering
  • Under-watering
  • Over exposure and lack of light will cause stress to the poinsettia.
  • Stress of any type will cause the bracts to have a shorter life.

Poinsettia care if done properly will keep your plant healthy for a long time.

By following these tips, you can keep your holiday flowers lasting well into the New Year!

Flowers for Winter Romance

Flowers for Winter Romance

There’s nothing like winter for romancing. Busy days and cold weather make long winter nights perfect for snuggling. Grab a couple mugs of hot cocoa and you’re in for a good night.

How can you make these good nights happen more often? (Especially once the stress of holiday shopping sets in.) Sparking romance is easy with the help of your local florist. Send your sweetie a special arrangement of winter flowers (or her favorite flowers… and her favorite color) and you will reap the rewards.

There is something so very special about getting something just because. It shows you were thinking about them and just how special they are to you.

Say ‘Thanks’ With November Flowers

November Flower Arrangement of the Month

November is here already! The month when we take time out of our busy lives to be thankful for the blessings we have. Sure, there is a day specifically devoted to being thankful, (Thanksgiving is November 22!) but why not observe what you are thankful for the entire month of November? No matter where we are in life, there are so many things to be grateful for.

November is also a month of beautiful flowers. A great way to say ‘Thanks!’ is by sending a beautiful fall arrangement. It doesn’t have to be much, but this simple gesture can make someone truly joyful.

Be thankful of the beauty all around us. Bring fall flowers into your home as an easy way to decorate for the remainder of the season. During Thanksgiving, when family is gathering to celebrate the bounty of our lives, why not display the beauty of fall flowers? Your local florist can create a gorgeous cornucopia flower arrangement for your Thanksgiving table centerpiece. The above flower arrangement, Thanksgiving Feast would look perfect setting near the green bean casserole on your buffet table.

Just remember your local florist this November for all your fall decorating needs.


Send The Beauty of Fall Through Flowers

The Beauty of Fall ColorsThere’s nothing more beautiful than a good fall. This year, fall has came early to many areas of North America. Because of the intense drought we saw this summer, fall 2012 is predicted to be one of the most beautiful and colorful autumns we’ve seen in a long time. Here in Arkansas, the leaves are just about to turn, and I know I couldn’t be more excited.

With our dwindling daylight and cooler overnight temps, you could be just now seeing hints of fall color, or might have already seen the peak of your fall beauty. No matter what the case, you can easily enjoy the beauty of fall. Order flowers for yourself, your home, and friends!

Take advantage of the season before it’s gone! Be sure to get out for a long, Sunday drive. Go camping. Visit a local state park. Just get outside and enjoy it while it lasts!

(Check out: Fall Foliage Guide via TheWeatherChannel)

Decorating For Fall

We decorate for fall like no other season. This is probably because it is one of the most naturally-beautiful and colorful seasons. Fall decor and Thanksgiving go hand-in-hand. Why not start early? The best way to decorate for fall, or any season, is to visit your local flower shop. They’ve certainly got you covered for all-things autumn. [Read more…]

Sending Fall Flower Arrangements

All fall flower arrangements shown below are real arrangements that were created and delivered by real local florists all across the country and Canada.

Early fall flower arrangement by Trigs Floral & Home in Minocqua, WI

Early fall flower arrangement by Trigs Floral & Home in Minocqua, WI

The colors of fall are so striking and magnificent, it’s easy to see why autumn is many people’s favorite season. The deep reds, the rustic browns, the sunset orange — fall is such a beautiful season. Why not enjoy the beauty of fall indoors as well as out? It’s easy with your local florist!

Fall arrangement by Buds & Blossoms, Edgewood MD

Fall arrangement by Buds & Blossoms, Edgewood MD

Fall flowers offer a little pick-me-up for all to enjoy. Think about working hard all day at your desk, wouldn’t it be better with a beautiful arrangement of fall flowers to brighten up your week?

[Read more…]

Discover the Treasures of Fall Flowers

Discover Fall Treasures In Flowers

This year seems to have flown by. Can you believe it will be October in just a couple of days? For October, we’ve chosen Fall Treasures to be our favorite flower arrangement of the month. It’s the perfect arrangement to discover the fantastic flowers of fall. Sunflowers, roses, carnations, and snapdragons – all in the harmonious hues of the season.

Fall Treasures can be sent to yourself or a friend as a little pick-me-up to get a jump-start on the fall season. I know what you’re thinking, “I can’t send flowers to myself..” Of course you can! Sometimes it pays to treat yourself once in a while, especially before you jump head first into the upcoming holiday season.

Of course, sending flowers to a friend or loved one is almost doubly rewarding. If you know someone who could use a fresh start this fall, why send this arrangement and let them discover Fall Treasures for themselves?

Just remember, always always ALWAYS use a local florist when sending flowers. If you don’t know the local florist in the city you would like to send flowers, use our handy florist finder to find them directly.