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Florists Can Blossom During Prom Season

It’s hardly news to anyone that prom remains one of the biggest events in a teenager’s life. These young adults, with their mass of disposable income, spend months planning the perfect evening for themselves and their prom dates. To them, prom would be incomplete without the perfect dress or tuxedo, shoes, hair, ride, and matching corsages and boutonnières. This is where the florist can make the difference between fancy trimming and shabby accessories.

Prom Wrist Corsages

Florists often pass on prom business while many realize this sudden inward cash flow to be a profitable staple from year-to-year. The March 2008 issue of Floral Management includes an article that showcases some of the reasons florists may want to reconsider this youthful venture. Teenagers still have extreme purchasing power and choose to spend a hefty chunk of it on prom and homecoming. Being the chosen local florist is not only a profitable honor in that year but for the remainder of that teenager’s life. Taking the time to nurture the desires of your young customer will bring him or her back for their wedding, birthday, anniversary, and other floral needs.

Now that you are assuredly on the prom flowers bandwagon, here are some tips for making this prom season a big hit.

  • Be prepared! Phone a contact inside the local schools for the event dates, colors and themes, and other things that may make preparing easier.
  • Make the most of the Internet! This generation’s prom goers are increasingly tech-savvy. Most are more comfortable shopping online initially. This is a convenient trend as it reduces many costs to the florist including manpower and sales tracking.
  • Spice it up! Proms and prom attendants are now decorated to the hilt with lavish colors, sequins, glitter, boas, anklets, jewelry, and other accessories to make every vision of the evening a creative statement about themselves.
  • Show off your ideas! Let your customers see a line of possibilities first, then sell a more personalized version if necessary. Be creative! Make it fun! Organize a Corsage Bar!
  • Get your customer involved! A popular practice among florists is to let the females bring in their dresses to get a better match or to test different ideas.
  • Get to know formal wear and dress shop owners! An alliance with local dress shop owners is a fabulous way to get your name known. The customers are already in prom shopping mode and reminding them about their need for prom flowers while in the store can’t be beaten as the way to stand out.

When attracting prom customers be sure to capitalize on word of mouth. Parents, siblings, neighbors, and friends have a huge impact on who the teenager is likely to choose. You’re likely already the best around so let them know! Also, great tips for targeting young people in your area may come from the same people that give you the color scheme, themes, and dates of the proms. These people are sure to know where these young people hang out and where they’re going for their prom needs. Now you’re ready to take center stage as the go-to florist for prom and homecoming needs!

Flowers Add Pep To Life

Flowers empower according to recent studies published by Prevention magazine and Redbook magazine. While an old adage has long suggested that stopping to smell the roses will brighten one’s day, new evidence concludes that even casually glancing at flowers has the same uplifting affect.

According to Prevention magazine’s April 2008 publication, a study at Texas A&M University compared the productivity of two women in a room decorated with abstract sculptures versus the productivity of two women in a room embellished with two potted plants and a floral bouquet. The women in the room with flowers produced 13% more ideas than the women surrounded by abstract art.

April 2008’s edition of Redbook magazine cites a study conducted by Harvard University that asked 50 female participants to keep mood journals during a single day. Half of these women were sent flowers. The leader of the study, Nancy Etcoff, Ph.D., noted that—not surprisingly— these women began the day anxious, nervous, and worried but those who had received flowers noted elevated and more compassionate moods throughout the rest of the day. Ms. Etcoff goes on to suggest that having a visual reminder of life and health “may have a calming and positive effect on the brain.”

With these and other studies suggesting flowers as a way to boost productivity, lift and brighten moods, and put a positive spin on the day, it is no wonder that so many people surround themselves and loved ones with beautiful bouquets, colorful blooms, and decorative green plants. Imagine the smile on the face of a child who receives a birthday blossom at school or the debonair gentleman who places a small flower in his lapel before presenting his beloved with a loving bouquet. The spring in the young man’s step and the glow of the child’s heart are simple expressions brought to life by flowers. Let flowers like these invigorate your day today.

Tickle Me Pick Tickle Me Pink Bouquet.

Want to send someone a little FLOWER POWER? Click Here to find a local florist and send flowers today!

Brynn – FSN Support Staff

Spring Into Prom With Flowers

Prom is almost here. You have the date, the dress, the shoes, the hair, and the car. What’s missing? The prom flowers!! The perfect corsage or boutonnière makes the difference between a fun yet elegant statement and a shabby accessory. Here are some tips for finding the perfect floral decorations for your night!

  • Prom Corsage InspirationFind a decorative, matching corsage wristband! Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but funky sequins, elegant gems, coral, and pearl with your corsage make just as beautiful a statement.
  • Small flowers or floral hair accessories are definitely an up-DO! These become an eye-catching way to show off the hair and makeup you worked so hard on, not to mention the aromatic fragrance they give your date when you’re dancing cheek to cheek.
  • Talk with your florist! These experts are sure to have creative ideas and unique arrangements to bring out even more beauty.
  • Know your budget! Don’t risk spending too much or passing over the perfect bouquet because you don’t know how much you would like to spend.
  • Doll up your date also! Matching boutonniere and cummerbunds not only are a stylish look but announce to prom guests that you and your date are the perfect stylish prom couple!
  • (Guys) Surprise your date with a bouquet! It’s an unexpected twist that your date will remember and probably brag to her friends about for days. Face it; she’s expecting the corsage. Go the extra mile for a date that she’ll love!

Find a local florist to design your perfect corsage or boutonniere.

Create a Unique Prom with Flowers in this Flower Shop Network newsletter you’ll find a variety of ways to make your prom special.

3 Ultimate Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas Involving Chocolate, Flowers, and Wine

Chocolate that tasty little mood-lifting relaxing treat seems to be the focus of everyone’s attention at the moment. In fact, the latest issue of Fine Cooking has an interesting article featuring the pairing of wine and chocolate.

The combination of wine and chocolate creates a sensuous pleasure for our taste buds. A little port wine with a piece of dark chocolate is a culinary experience that shouldn’t be missed and one of my favorites. Fine Cooking pairs different kinds of chocolates with the appropriate wine to ensure a delicious experience. But, wine isn’t the only thing you can pair with chocolate to create a sensory delight. Pleasure is multiplied when you include more than one sense. Pairing flowers with chocolate involves our sense of smell, taste and sight – a triple indulgence.

The Flower Shop Network February newsletter, The Mystique of Chocolate & Flowers, describes the allure of pairing flowers with chocolate particularly for Valentine’s Day. Guys or gals looking for Valentine’s Day gift ideas will find a multitude in this newsletter. Creating the ultimate romance with chocolates and flowers is detailed in length; all you have to do is go for it.

With all this talk of pairing chocolate with flowers and wine, it occurred to me the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift lies somewhere between the Fine Cooking article and the FSN newsletter. Flowers, wine and chocolate – what more could your sweetheart ask for? You might ask, shouldn’t the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift appeal to all of the senses? With the right combination of wine, flowers and chocolate – bells will go off and hearts will be touched. So, here are three ways to combine wine, flowers and chocolate to achieve the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift this year:

The ultimate luxury Valentine’s Day gift idea – Send a dozen red roses and a large box of milk chocolates to your sweetheart; include a note suggesting an evening sharing the milk chocolates over a bottle of Pinot Noir.

The ultimate dreamy Valentine’s Day gift idea – Send a bouquet of ‘Stargazer’ Lilies to your sweetheart; include a note suggesting an evening viewing the stars while sharing a semi-sweet chocolate mousse and a bottle of Shiraz.

The ultimate romantic Valentine’s Day gift idea – Meet your sweetheart at the door with a silver tray containing a vase of tulips, two glasses of a fine ruby port and a bowl of gourmet bittersweet truffles. Be sure to whisper, “Just a little something for the finest two lips in the world”.

With these ultimate Valentine’s Day gift ideas, amore will definitely be in the air along with the aroma of fresh flowers, the taste of chocolate and wine, the expression of love and the warmth of the heart. The possibilities are endless and I’m sure everyone has their own ultimate combination. So with Valentine’s Day just around the corner – let your imagination go wild with flowers, chocolate and wine.

21st Century Poinsettia Trends

It may seem a little early to talk about poinsettias. After all poinsettias are a seasonal plant used as Christmas decorations. Or are they? This past July, Florists Review had an interesting article called 21st Century Poinsettias. Accordingly, this lovely Christmas favorite is making a showing year round. In fact, in Japan and Korea a significant quantity of poinsettias are sold year round as potted plants. Poinsettia visibility is on the rise in the United States as well. Spring and early fall availability is increasing as poinsettia color choices reflect the season rather than the Christmas holiday. Look for pastel colored bracts in the spring and intense orange, red, purple and yellow colors in the fall.

As a complement to seasonal decorations or even as an alternative, non-traditional poinsettia holidays may see a new face emerge with these color choices. Picture Halloween decorated with ghosts, witches, hay bales, and orange poinsettias. If poinsettia colors and blooming times change, allowing us the opportunity to use poinsettias year round, think of the possibilities. For example, during Breast Cancer Awareness Month (October) pink poinsettias could be sent to survivors as a symbol of their cause.

If you believe poinsettias should only be used during the Christmas season, but feel that they don’t reflect your holiday color theme, there is hope. Another 21st Century Poinsettia trend is customization. A poinsettia can be customized to fit your décor and color scheme. There are several types of spray dyes, translucent colorants, glitter sprays, shimmer sprays and floral fragrances that are safe to use on poinsettias.

The 21st Century Poinsettia trends are not just about color change; form and uses are also changing. Poinsettia hanging baskets, miniature poinsettia trees and column shaped poinsettias are taking their place beside the traditional ones. One of the most successful trends for the 21st Century Poinsettia is cut flower production. With the Paul Ecke Ranch ‘Winter Rose Renaissance’ and ‘Jester’ series poinsettias, consumers will see more cut poinsettias used in floral arrangements.

So for consumers and florists, the 21st Century Poinsettia trends should provide an exciting and thrilling potential for the future.

Fall In Love With Fall Wedding Flowers

Fall wedding flowers burst upon the scene in a kaleidoscope of colors. Paint an idyllic wedding picture on this fall’s canvas when using a rich palette of the season’s colors.

Featured Fall Wedding BouquetsWhether the celebration takes place during the sun dappled day, or in the crisp autumn air of evening, the fall wedding introduces a season of excitement. September, October, and November bestow bright flowers and abundant foliage – just the right ingredients for a fabulous fall ceremony.

Deciding on the type of fall floral arrangements will often determine the style of wedding. Consulting a professional florist can be of invaluable help when considering the theme and cost of the wedding. Don’t hesitate to convey what you envision for your wedding along with a review of your budget.

When meeting with your florist, it’s wise to discuss the size and location of your wedding and reception. And, don’t forget to include the number of attendants and guests. It helps if you provide your favorite wedding photographs, color preferences, and fabric samples when talking about your ceremony. A professional florist can assist in creating a plan that helps you to make informed decisions, which can save time and reduce stress.


The fall season lends its self to vibrant colors. When selecting fall wedding flowers consider the colors of: Yellow, Gold, Bronze, Orange, Red, Dark Pink, Burgundy, Rust, Brown, Purple, Egg Plant, Green and Tan. Although the types of wedding flowers are usually chosen by the bride, the color palette of the flowers are often determined by the color of the bridesmaids’ dresses.

A professional florist can explain your floral options. Discussions will include the difference between selecting flowers that are in season, as opposed to choosing flowers that are out of season. Out of season flowers increase prices significantly.

With nature’s brilliant colors, here are just a few of the fall wedding flowers that are in season:

  • ROSES (Rosa) – Many people tend to think of roses as either traditional red or delicate pink. However, the colors of roses range from gold to chocolate. Brides may want to consider the radiant rose colors that include golden apricot, tomato-red, deep yellow, red-orange, tangerine, dark burgundy, coral-orange, burnt- orange, or chocolate brown. These striking shades make beautiful wedding bouquets, floral decorations, and arrangements.
  • DAISIES (Gerbera) – There are a number of varieties from a single petal to a double petal. The bright colors and varying sizes of this flower make for beautiful bouquets and eye-catching arrangements.
  • SLIPPER ORCHIDS (Paphiopedilum spp.) – This fall flower’s colors of brownish red, green and yellow can set the seasonal tone.
  • CALLA LILY (Zantedeschia) – The “green goddess” has deep green leaves and generous blooms. This is a sophisticated flower that often stands on its own. Not only do calla lilies come in the traditional white, but they also come in the rich and beautiful shades of cream, yellow, burgundy, and bronze.
  • GLORIOSA LILIES (Gloriosa rothschildeana) – A glorious bloom that makes a bold statement. The strikingly curved petals in lustrous red will certainly turn heads.
  • ORIENTAL LILIES (Lilium Oriental) – Versatility is the key. Colors include white, cream, yellow and burgundy. One of the most famous hybrids is Stargazer, which has a white background with reddish/pink markings and dotted throat.
  • HYDRANGEAS (Hydrangea quercifolia) – The late blooming Oak Leaf Hydrangea gets its name from the shape of its large leaves. These beautiful leaves often turn colors of brilliant yellow, orange, red, and burgundy.
  • SUNFLOWERS (Helianthus annuus) – When you think of autumn, picture the Sunrise Sunflower. The medium short deep double yellow petals and dark center make an excellent choice for use as cut flowers that have a long vase and arrangement life.
  • CHRYSANTHEMUMS (Chrysanthemum indicum, Chrysanthemum x morifolium) – The word chrysanthemum is taken from the Greek, chysos (gold) and anthos (flower). This fall flower is generally found in the following forms: button, daisy, decorative and spider (or quill). The size, color, height and time of bloom make it one of the most popular fall flowers for bouquets and arrangements.
  • BABY’S BREATH ( Gypsophila paniculata) – This is the delicate name for the “work horse” of arrangements. Colors range from white to pink to blushed purple. Baby’s breath can be coupled with flowers and greenery to create fullness and depth or stand-alone in an interesting container, or elegant vase.


Fall wedding decorations can be more than colorful cut flowers. A medley of textures such as beautiful berries, fall foliage, and autumn accessories create the look of a bountiful harvest.
Consider the use of berries when decorating tables, window ledges, archways or columns.

Autumn Berries

  • Rusty Rose Hips
  • Red Nandina
  • Red or Black Aronia Berries
  • Flaming Pyracantha
  • Orange Pepper Berry
  • Orange Cotoneaster
  • Rustic Bittersweet Vine
  • Burnt Sienna Hypericum Berry
  • Pink Pepper Berry
  • Blue Privet Berry
  • Fall Blueberries
  • Green or Red Viburnum Berry
  • Cranberries

Cuttings from fall foliage make stunning centerpieces and arrangements.

Autumn Foliages

  • Red Oak Leaf Hydrangeas
  • Red Dogwood Branches
  • Red Huckleberry
  • “Redbore” Kale
  • Liquid Amber Branches
  • Yellow Maple
  • Vine Maple Branches
  • Eggplant Smoke Bush
  • Green Cherry Laurel
  • “Illumination” Periwinkle
  • “Bright Lights” Swiss Chard
  • “Ogon” Japanese Sweet Flag
  • “Yellow Ripple” English Ivy
  • Black-Eyed Susan Vines
  • Grapevines

Don’t forget autumn accessories add interest.

Autumn Wedding Decorations

  • Apples, Pears, Persimmons, Pomegranates and Artichokes
  • Grains, Nuts, Melons, and Gourds
  • Dried Garland or Flowers
  • Spanish Moss
  • Ribbons that reinforce the color scheme
  • Raffia
  • Woven Baskets
  • Colorful Pottery


Continue an autumn atmosphere your guests will remember by considering the following areas for decoration. These locations may be enhanced by the use of flowers, berries, foliage and accessories.

THE WEDDING CEREMONY: The altar, columns, candelabra, backdrop for the ceremony, archways, podium, for Jewish weddings the chuppah, the aisle, end of pews, communion rails, vestibule, guest book table, doors leading to the sanctuary, and stair rails outside the entrance.

THE RECEPTION: The entry area, place card table, buffet table centerpieces, table arrangements, head table design, free standing decorations, candles, stage decor, wedding cake and cake table and restrooms.

The wide variety of fall wedding flowers and large array of berries, foliage and accessories make autumn a wonderful time of year for your special celebration. Whether your theme is large and elegant, or intimate and casual – let a professional florist customize an unforgettable fall wedding for you!

Photo by C & C Sensations, a local florist in Waynesboro VA.


Find a local florist to help create your fall wedding flowers.
Planning a wedding? Check out Wedding and Party Network for all of your wedding needs.

Balloon Bouquets

Balloon bouquets lift spirits and are perfect for special occasions. Florists across America have balloons available in a huge variety of shapes, sizes, colors and themes. They can be added to an arrangement of flowers or plants, delivered in a big bundle all by themselves, or used to enhance any festive event. Colorful birthday balloons add bounce to the celebration. Shiny Mylar balloons elevate the mood of any party. Balloons are being used as decorations for weddings, gifts for retirees, get well messages for patients, and whimsical treats for kids and adults alike. They are even soaring to new heights at celebrations of life – otherwise known as funerals.

Types of Balloons

Valentines Day Mylar BalloonBalloons are generally available in two types – the traditional latex balloons, which are made of a thin, stretchy kind of rubber, and the popular Mylar balloons, manufactured of metalized film. Each type of balloon has its own unique attributes, comes in many sizes, and can be used in several ways.

  • Latex Balloons

Because latex is somewhat porous, balloons that are made from it will not stay inflated as long as Mylar balloons. Latex balloons may be inflated with either air or helium. Because a molecule of oxygen is larger than a molecule of helium, air-filled balloons will stay inflated longer than helium balloons will, since the larger molecules do not pass through the balloon’s “skin” as easily. But air-filled balloons, of course, don’t float. Many florists use a special product – something like rubber cement – to coat the inside of a latex balloon before inflating it with helium. This helps seal the pores in the latex and keeps the balloon afloat longer. Still, latex balloons are best for short term display.

Recently, event specialists have found an exciting and dramatic way to use them, putting battery operated lights inside giant-sized balloons and floating them over nighttime outdoor parties. The luminous effect can be spectacular!

  • Mylar Balloons

The special, reflective film which is used to make Mylar balloons isn’t as porous as latex, so these balloons tend to last longer after inflation, and because they’re not as flexible, less pressure is exerted on the walls of a Mylar balloon. Mylar balloons have another advantage in that they can often be re-filled with either air or helium, extending the life span. Once filled, however, Mylar balloons should be kept away from too much heat or sunlight, which can cause the gas inside to expand and burst the balloon. Your professional florist stocks Mylar balloons in a wide assortment of novelty shapes and characters, suitable for any age or occasion.

Balloon Ideas

Air-filled balloons can be secured into a floral arrangement using special balloon picks. They can also be tied tightly together onto a length of monofilament (fishing line) to create columns or arches – popular props for decorating a special event. Helium balloons can be readily tied to the neck of a vase, the handle of a basket, or a bag of candy.

For a children’s birthday party, a clever “Gumball Machine” balloon can be created by stuffing three or four small, air-filled latex balloons of various colors inside a large, helium-filled, clear latex balloon. Everyone will wonder how those “gumball” balloons got inside that bigger one! The trick is to insert the small (5″) balloon into the neck of the large (14″) balloon before inflating either one. Holding the small balloon in place, the large balloon is then partially inflated with helium. Before the gas has a chance to escape, the small balloon is filled with air, tied off, and dropped into the larger one. The process is repeated until the desired number of “gumballs” is squeezed inside the bigger balloon, which is then fully inflated with more helium.

Most florists can assemble a combination of latex and Mylar balloons into festive balloon bouquets and arrange for delivery anywhere, either locally or out of town.

  • Balloons & Hospital Rules

Most hospitals have special rules regarding balloon delivery. They may limit the size or number of balloons that can be delivered at one time. Mylar balloons may be restricted from patients’ rooms due to the fact that they can generate static electricity which interferes with the functioning of electronic monitors. Your local florist can advise you about the hospital rules in your area.

  • Balloon Disposal

Please remember to dispose of balloons responsibly and avoid releasing them into the environment. They can be very hazardous to wildlife that might ingest them or become entangled in the ribbons or strings used to tie them.

Now is not the time to fight inflation…..send a buoyant balloon bouquet today!

Daisies, Daisies and More Daisies

Daisies are among the most well-known and popular flowers of all, and for good reason: who can resist a fresh bouquet of cheerful, sunny faces and delicate petals? Charming harbingers of spring, daisies will bring a smile to anyone’s day.

Lazy Daisy and Delphinium Flower ArrangementDaisy Fresh

Daisies have long been associated with youth and purity, hence the phrase “fresh as a daisy”. Wedding bouquets with daisies would certainly be appropriate for a young bride or her attendants. In Victorian times, when hidden meanings were associated with many flowers (see our June  Newsletter, The Symbolic Meanings of Flowers), daisies signified innocence and gentleness. Perhaps it is these qualities which makes them such good fortune-tellers (“…she loves me, she loves me not, she loves me”)! Today of course, we often think of sending daisies whenever we want to cheer someone up.

Types of Daisies in Flower Arrangements

The flowers which are most often sold as daisies in modern flower shops are usually a daisy-flowered type of spray chrysanthemum, or daisy pompon as it’s known in the trade. Occurring with several flowers to the stem, these daisy pompons are sturdier and longer lasting than traditional Marguerite daisies, and are available in a wide range of colors and sizes.

Gerbera daisies, originally native to South Africa, have become enormously popular in recent years, and they’re being used in everything from casual vase arrangements to sophisticated wedding bouquets. Hybridizers have succeeded in developing gerbera daisies in a tremendous variety of sizes, textures, and colors; there is a gerbera which will coordinate with virtually any decorating scheme or wedding theme.

Where To Buy Daisies

As always, your local professional florist can guide you in selecting the right daisies for the right occasion. Buy them for yourself or for someone else… no one could ever send a bad message with daisies. Just please don’t eat them! But that’s a tale for another day.

A Nightmare Before Christmas? Last Minute Decorating Ideas

If the thought of decorating for the holidays is giving you a nightmare (after all, there are just a few weeks left before Christmas arrives), then pay a visit to your local florist for some up-to-the-minute advice and inspiration. Holiday merchandise is now appearing in flower shops everywhere, ready for your approval.

Christmas’ ‘Hottest’ Colors

One of the Christmas decorating trends this year is the use of hot colors; think of the day-glo hues of the Sixties. It’s a retro look, evoking a spirit of nostalgia among those of us who lived through it the first time. Hot pinks, greens, and oranges are finding their way onto Christmas trees and wreaths, creating a youthful and festive exuberance.

Mod Christmas Style

Ornaments are being created in the “mod” geometric forms of the era; you know…. the shapes of those triple light fixtures hanging in your mother’s kitchen. They’ve been decorated in polka dots and wavy stripes, and sometimes even flocked. If you can’t afford a whole new collection, then simply adding a few new ornaments or a bit of splashy new ribbon can update your older arrangements and give your Christmas decorating scheme a fresh appearance.

New England Themed Christmas TreeNatural Christmas

At the other end of the Christmas decorating spectrum is the natural look, which features such rustic elements as branches, cones, pods, and feathers. Colors are muted and textures are emphasized. Woven baskets or bark-covered containers may be used to hold an assemblage of earthy finds, such as cinnamon sticks, dried flowers, or an empty bird’s nest. Artificial pine Christmas wreaths may be encircled with dried grapevine to provide texture and movement. Add dried mushrooms, pomegranates, spruce cones, and lotus pods to the wreath to create a lush, woodsy collage of nature. Such a design is also appropriate for the fall of the year, and even beyond holidays, into the winter. This “trans-seasonal” approach to decorating can save time and money.

Bringing It All Together

If you want to decorate like the professionals, select a theme for your Christmas decor and re-interpret it throughout your home or office. Unify all the decorations by duplicating a specific motif — such as holly berries or candy canes — and by repeating a certain ribbon pattern or ornament style. And when it comes to decorating Christmas trees, remember that depth is important. Christmas trees ought to appear full and abundant. Place larger ornaments well to the inside of the branches in order to draw the viewer’s eye inward while creating a background for the other, smaller ornaments at the surface. This gives the tree a greater sense of volume. Use wide ribbon or swags of lightweight fabric as a garland to spiral around the tree and to occupy space. Consider purchasing ordinary, inexpensive glass ball ornaments as filler for the center of the Christmas tree while bringing the more unique and precious ones forward.

With the help of a professional floral designer, you can turn your nightmare before Christmas into a decorating dream come true. Stop in today… you’ll sleep easier.

Picture This… a Cute Bunny Rabbit Garden!

With Easter fast approaching, everybody knows that Peter Cottontail is on his way. So we’ve designed a clever spring energizer just in time for this season of eggs and excitement… a cute bunny rabbit garden arrangement.

Picture This.... a Cute Bunny Rabbit Garden!It features an ordinary clay pot as the container and is filled with fresh spring blossoms. The design is a cozy garden for any bunny rabbit, and it makes a wonderful Easter gift for someone special. The faux handle, formed by the stems of pussy willow, acts something like a picture frame around the arrangement which emphasizes the elements within, and resembles the shape of an Easter basket. The fuzzy texture of the catkins themselves repeat the feeling of the bunny rabbit’s fur, lending a sense of unity to the design. Bright seasonal flowers complete the picture.

Bunny & Springtime

Bunnies have a long history of association with springtime. The symbol of the Easter Bunny originated in pre-Christian folklore, and is an echo of more primitive rites of spring. The pagan goddess Oestre was worshiped by the Anglo-Saxons during the spring fertility festival of the same name, and Oestre was represented by her earth figure, the rabbit. Of course, rabbits were the most prolifically fertile animals known, and served appropriately, along with eggs, as symbols of new life during the vernal season. German settlers brought the idea of the Easter Bunny to America in the 1700’s, where it became widely embraced after the Civil War and has now evolved into those cute images of bunny rabbits that are so ubiquitous at this time of year.

Fresh Flowers For Easter

Fresh flowers themselves are energizers for the spirit after the long winter season. There is something special about spring flowers in particular tulips, daffodils, narcissus, and hyacinths which speaks to our souls about the release of pent up energy as they seem to burst so vividly from their apparently lifeless bulbs. The magic of their growth cycles, their colors, their shapes, their fragrances…..all combining together and creating a picture to remind us that life is continually reborn. So we’ve been sure to incorporate some of this magic into our bunny rabbit floral design.

Whether you live in a mansion or a condo, a subdivision or a ranch, a hovel or a hutch, our Easter bunny arrangement is sure to please. So hop to it! Visit your local florist for the components to make it yourself, or have one delivered to some special someone anywhere in the country. And rest assured that Farmer Brown won’t be chasing any rabbits out of this garden!