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Wedding Flower Pictures

It seems that wedding bouquet fashions often change with the seasons. Certainly, fashionable bridal bouquets just a decade ago can seem dated and old-fashioned by today’s standards. It is fun to look at pictures from your parents’ or even your grandparents’ wedding and see the bridal bouquets that were in style then. Some of those bouquets were awfully big!

Wedding Bouquet Picture Inspiration

If you’re planning a wedding, or even just dreaming about planning a wedding someday, we hope that you’ll find these bridal bouquet pictures helpful, and perhaps inspirational.

These beautiful wedding flower pictures are brought to you courtesy of a local florist near you. Planning a dream wedding? Pictures are a great way to see just what lovely flowers are commonly used in weddings. Once a wedding date is finalized, contact a professional florist to schedule a wedding consultation.

Traditional Wedding Bouquet Styles

These styles have been popular for several generations and will continue to be ideal for traditional elegance.

Mixed white rose bouquet

White Rose and Mixed Flower Bouquet
Gathering of creamy-white roses, stock and wax flower hand-tied in a round, colonial bouquet.

White rose bouquet

White All-Rose Bouquet
Lush ivory rose bridal bouquet lightly-sprinkled with seeded eucalyptus for soft, romantic look.

Alstroemeria bouquet with wax flowers

White Alstroemeria Bouquet
White lacy blossoms of alstroemeria and wax flower perfect for bridal, as well as bridesmaid bouquets.

Colorful wedding bouquet

Colorful Wedding Bouquet
Color – a hot trend in bridal bouquets with pink roses, orange-yellow tulips, yellow mini carnations, lavender aster and purple statice.

Cascade style wedding bouquet

Cascading Bouquet
Graceful, white cascade bouquet in roses, dendrobium orchids, gerbera daisies and wax flower.

Calla lily wedding bouquet

Calla Lily Bouquet
A simply elegant favorite, calla lily wedding bouquet, hand-tied in a presentation style.

Modern Wedding Bouquet Styles

Below you will find more modern wedding bouquet styles florists are creating today. We hope this gives you even more inspiration as you plan your wedding day flowers.

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What Do You Get A Gold-Medal Gymnast? Puppy Flowers!

Like many others this August, I couldn’t get enough of the Summer Olympics. Not only was I watching, I was keeping up with the scores and following my favorite athletes on social media. One of my favorites to follow is McKayla Maroney, the American gold medal gymnast and vaulting specialist. When I saw this posted on Instagram, I just had to share!!

Puppy Flowers?! Too Cute!! - McKayla Maroney loves puppy flowers!

That’s right, McKayla Maroney loves puppy flowers! (But who can resist their cuteness?) She says, “NO WAY.. puppy flowers!! tooo cute” with addition of a few flower icons from the iPhone.

Puppy Flowers at the Illinois State Florist Convention

Puppy Flowers at the Illinois State Florist Convention

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Feng Shui: Colors & Flowers

Just what is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex ancient art that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure the health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

Feng Shui CompassFeng means “wind” and Shui means “water.” Followers of Feng Shui believe the land is alive and filled with Chi, or energy. By focusing that Chi in the right ways, you can live a fuller, healthier, more balanced life. Harmony and balance with life are the major principles of Feng Shui teaching.

Feng Shui can affect every aspect of our lives. By simply adjusting the objects in our homes and lives, we can adjust the energies associated with them. We’ve all heard how color affects moods, well Feng Shui takes that idea to a whole new level. In this post, you will see how by simply ordering an arrangement of fresh flowers in a certain color or shape, you can enhance, balance or reduce specific moods in a space.

Feng Shui and You

Different people have different energy needs. Feng Shui offers a way to narrow down your specific needs. This can get very complicated and it can take a lifetime to master the art of Feng Shui, but with a bit of research, you can start opening up these energies in your life.

First of all, what is your Feng Shui birth element? This is where the research comes in, but it’s very simple! Simply go to this page and locate your birth year on the chart to identify your birth element. I was born in 1986, that makes my element Fire. Now that we know our elements, let’s take a look at how to put them to use!

Feng Shui and Color

Color is one of the easiest ways to shift the energy in your space with Feng Shui. Each color is an expression of one of the Five Feng Shui Elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood.

Remember, scientifically color is light, and light is our number one nutrient. Although you might not believe whole-heartedly in Feng Shui, there is definite logic behind the use of color and moods, aka Chromotheropy.

Let’s take a look at what Feng Shui has to say about colors and moods:

Fire Element

Prom Inspiration: Fun & Funky Style

Although for most, prom has come and gone, still teenaged girls everywhere are planning their ensembles for next season. We had the wonderful opportunity to meet up with a group of teens right before prom and snap some photos. So enjoy all the craziness and color of prom 2012!

Prom Corsages

Colorful Prom Corsages

Prom 2012 was all about COLOR and FUN!

2012 Prom Corsages

Gotta love the vibrant colors of these prom corsages!

Pink Prom Corsage

This prom corsage was created by Alvin Taylor’s Flowers in Paragould AR. It features a large Gerbera and is highlighted by mums, delphinium, gems, wire and feathers — perfect for her multi-colored dress.

Blue Prom Corsage

Another of Alvin Taylor’s creations, this features a rainbow rose and all sorts of blue accents and feathers. This corsage perfectly compliments her sequined dress!

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Photos From The Great Lakes Floral Expo

Rose & Tulip Arrangement - Great Lakes Floral Expo Photos

Recently, part of the FSN team visited Michigan for the 2012 Great Lakes Floral Expo! It is one of our favorite floral conventions and we look forward to going ever year. The over-all theme of the show this year was Sell-O-Bration and discussed how florists everywhere can rise to the top through Outperforming, Outmaneuvering, and Outselling their competition.

In the animal kingdom, survival of the fittest is the rule. Survival is good – no doubt about it – but thriving is better. The challenge for many floral professionals is going from surviving the current competitive business environment to thriving in it. – Dick Gleason, CF, Conference Vice Chairman.

There were several hands-on sessions, including presentations on wedding design, body flowers, flower photography and much more. Florists also attended presentations on marketing and online resources, and of course – everyone’s favorites – the floral competitions.

I could talk all day about the Great Lakes Floral Expo, but I know you’re here to see the pictures!! Without further adieu…

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Prom Time! What Is Your Prom Style?

It’s almost time for PROM again! Time to find flashy dresses, sparkly jewelry, the perfect shoes and, of course, the right corsages to bring it all together! Let’s take a look at some of this year’s trendiest styles.

Fun and Playful Prom Corsage Trendy Prom Hair Accessory

Fun & Playful
Unlike a wedding, and most other occasions to wear formal attire, prom is about happiness, hilarity and hoopla. This prom goer picked her favorite flower – Gerbera daisy – and the florist has enhanced it with additional white petals, wire and charms. Choose flowers and colors that match your dress.

Anther prom going teen has used daisies in a different way – LOVE those feathers! The big gem in the center is also a great look! Your florist can do way more than just a corsage at prom! Be sure to ask about matching hair accessories and other prom flower accessories.

Color Focus Corsage

Color Focused

Use your corsage as an accent to enhance your prom look. If possible, show your florist a photo of the prom dress you are wearing and have them create a corsage to bring out the colors and features of the dress. For instance, in the photo above, this prom goer is wearing a super-fun, blue zebra print dress. The florist has done a great job of choosing flowers in colors that really POP, but also perfectly match and compliment the dress!

Classy Corsage

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Wedding Trends For 2012

2012 Wedding Trends

Predicted by Florists All Over The Nation

We asked our florist friends on Facebook what their predictions were for wedding trends of 2012, and received an overwhelming response. From new looks, to hot products; favorite flowers and color trends — we’ve got you covered!

Wedding Styles For 2012

Modern & Sophisticated – Think Royal Wedding

“I am starting to see a trend away from the hand-tied style, which has been a majority the last few years. I think modern/sophisticated is surfacing.”  – Joy’s Floral & Gift, Powhatan, VA

All-White Wedding Bouquet
By Playa Del Rey Florist in Playa Del Rey, CA

Return to Simpler Styles

“I think simpler designs will rule 2012. I have 2 weddings booked for 2012 where bridesmaids are holding a single stemmed flower instead of bouquets. One with calla lily and one with long stemmed rose.”Finest City Florist, El Cajon, CA

Back to Traditional

“Brides are showing an interest in things like carnations, roses and babies breath again.”Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

 Dual-Purpose Bouquets and Arrangements

“We see dual purpose arrangements as the trend. Bouquets into cocktail table centerpieces; arches broken down down to adorn the ceremony.”Greenhouse Gallery Florist, Colts Neck, NJ

Eclectic Styles With Found Objects

“Rustic, natural looks with nicer flowers. Also collections of eclectic bottles & vases with few or single blooms for centerpieces.”The Enchanted Florist, Asheville, NC

Brides Want DIY

“I’m noticing many brides are being more hands-on & doing their own reception centerpieces. Perhaps to be more cost effective or personalized”Flowers by Flowers, Parkville, MD

 Cascading Bouquets

I am also seeing a lot of requests for updated cascade bouquets styled similar to the shield bouquet Kate Middleton carried.”  – Joy’s Floral & Gift, Powhatan, VA [Read more…]

Best of the Best Floral Design Trends Of 2011

Best Floral Design Trends of 2011

Wow has it been a great year! So many incredible floral design trends — some new, some tried and true. We publish articles daily here at FSN, but today we are looking back through 2011 to find the best of the best in floral design trend posts.

The official color of 2011 is honeysuckle pink, which is fantastic news for florists and flower lovers! The luscious reddish-pink is available in many varieties of flowers, and looks great paired with almost any style. Pantone has been the global authority on color and provider of professional color standards for the design industries for over 50 years.

Unique Wedding Bouquets

It’s no secret brides are looking for something out-of-the-box when it comes to their wedding. In the last three years, traditional weddings have declined by as much as 30%. Brides are opting for more of a personal and stylish look to make their dream wedding truly unique. While most brides keep with the traditional white dress, it’s the bouquet that really packs the punch of pizazz. In this article, we will show you some really unusual wedding bouquets spotted at florist conventions all across the US.

So many designs used the color, and why not? Yellow is the perfect color for summer! Sunflowers were one of the most popular flowers used. Brighten up any space with a bouquet of yellow blooms! Trendy yellow flowers keep us in a cheery mood, and are perfect for sending as a quick pick-me-up to someone who may be feeling a little blue.

I don’t know about where you live, but here I can’t go 50 feet without spotting someone with a hair feather extension!? Not just teens either — kids, moms, grandmas; even DOGS are getting hair feathers! It’s definitely the biggest new trend this year! Why not add a little feather to your summer flower power?

Creative Funeral Flowers

First of all, let’s think of the purpose of funeral flowers: to show one’s love, and support for the family and the departed. Flowers comfort and soothe us as we say our final goodbyes, but why stop there? Creative florists everywhere are using funeral flowers to construct personalized tributes to fallen friends.

Our florist friends on Facebook constantly keep us with our jaw on the ground. Each week they post some of the most amazing designs around! Because it’s wedding season, we’ve seen a lot of amazing fall bouquets! So let’s take a look at what trendy designs are popular for 2011 fall brides!

Fruit & Vegetable Floral Design Trend

Using apples, oranges and limes in floral design has become increasingly popular over the past few years, but now florists are finding new and innovative ways to use fruit like never before! At the recent Tennessee State Florist Convention, fruit and veggies in flower arrangements seemed to be a reoccurring trend, let’s take a look…

Floral pocket squares are a great alternative to wearing a boutonniere. Guys love them because it moves the flowers further from their face, and are sometimes a bit more durable. Libby’s Flowers, Gifts & More has taken the pocket square to a whole new level.

I am always astounded at the creative and out-of-the-box methods florists use to create incredibly unique holiday arrangements every year. No two are ever alike! The way florists keep it fresh every year stems from their creative abilities. I love these beautiful holiday flowers, and I know you will too…

We want to know what your favorite posts of 2011 were! Let us know in the comments below!

Creative Flower Shops And Their Latest Christmas Floral Designs

I have to admit, probably my favorite part of this job is looking at all of the beautiful pictures of flower arrangements posted on our Facebook wall every day. I am always astounded at the creative and out-of-the-box methods florists use to create incredibly unique holiday arrangements every year. No two are ever alike! The way florists keep it fresh every year stems from their creative abilities. I love these beautiful holiday flowers, and I know you will too…

Silver Ball Christmas Flowers Cranberries & Popcorn With Lilies Festive Green & Yellow Holiday Arrangement

The three pictures above are all from the talented Tom of Crossroads Florist in Mahwah, NJ. Tom decorates the lobby of the same hotel every week, and it always looks outstanding! These three are the holiday designs he’s created this year, and we LOVE how creative and unique they are! Instead of going with the traditional red and green, Tom has chosen small details of the season to highlight. The white and silver for winter; the cranberry and popcorn as hints of Christmas tree garland traditions, and the green tree ornaments mixed with mesh and star-like orchids. Fabulous work, Crossroads!

Blue Christmas Tree

We can’t leave off this beautiful BLUE Christmas tree also shared with us by Tom at Crossroads Florist. Done for a large corporate lobby, this uniquely hued tree is sure to catch everyone’s attention! The blue used is so vibrant and vivid; we love it!

Calla Christmas Centerpieces With Red Ornaments

We love these festive, holiday centerpieces created by the talented designers at The Enchanted Florist in Asheville, NC. These designs feature the elegance of sleek, curved Calla lilies, mixed with the traditional Christmas cedar and a various of red ornaments. Janet, owner of The Enchanted Florist says, “Christmas Centerpiece doesn’t always have to be the same ole thing.” And she’s definitely right! These were for a corporate Christmas party in her city.

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2012 Pantone Color of the Year – Tangerine Tango

Pantone 2012 Color of the Year
Pantone has just announced the color of the year for 2012, Tangerine Tango! What an exciting color to feature for the new year.

“Sophisticated but at the same time dramatic and seductive, Tangerine Tango is an orange with a lot of depth to it,” said Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. “Reminiscent of the radiant shadings of a sunset, Tangerine Tango marries the vivaciousness and adrenaline rush of red with the friendliness and warmth of yellow, to form a high-visibility, magnetic hue that emanates heat and energy.” Over the past several years, orange has grown in popularity and acceptance among designers and consumers alike. A provocative attention-getter, Tangerine Tango is especially appealing in men’s and women’s fashion.

This color works well because of it’s versatility for both men and women. Dress it up for an exotic look, but can also work for a casual, friendly design. Tangerine Tango is full of energy just waiting to perk up your flower arrangements.

Celebrate this beautiful color choice with flowers!

Here are our favorite arrangements that use this hot color of the year: [Read more…]