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Help! What’s Wrong With My Chocolate Soldier Plant?

Ask The Expert: I have the plant called Chocolate Soldier and have struggled for almost 2 years to keep it alive!! I have it in an east window and water it when it has completely dried out….yet it continues to drop leaves and no grow much?? What can I do for him??

Thank you, Trish

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Trish

Chocolate Soldier Plant From Logees GreeenhouseSince Chocolate Soldiers (Episcia or ‘Flame Violets’) prefer a shade to partial shade environment, your east exposure should be perfect. However, make sure the plant is not receiving any harsh noon day sun.

Chocolate soldiers also need a warm environment. Make sure that the plant is always in an area that stays above 65°. Although the plant needs a state of visual dryness between waterings, they require a humid environment. So mist the air surrounding the plant with lukewarm water. Try not to wet the leaves. Once a month use a water soluble fertilizer like peters or hi-yield or even an African Violet fertilizer.

Following this houseplant care instruction for the Chocolate Soldier should help to revive him. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

You can find more posts about Chocolate Soldier plants in these articles:

What is a Chocolate Solider Plant?
Drooping Chocolate Soldier
Propagating Chocolate Soldier


  1. 2 questions: how often does this plant bloom? Maybe parts of it bloom a lot of the time?
    should dried leaves, dried blooms, and those thread-like strands of dried flower stems be removed? Whenever I do that, it seems that the plant starts dying.

  2. Jamie Woods says:

    Do not remove the leaves unless they come off the plant easily. Either way, this should not cause the plant to begin dying. They are a tropical plant, so the blooming can vary. Make sure to give them a warm, humid environment with bright indirect light.

  3. Janet Quate says:

    where can I buy these plants?
    the ones I have are purple are there other colors?

  4. Jamie Woods says:

    Hi Janet,
    I would check with your local florist or nursery!

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