Ask The Expert: “One you will laugh I need a spelling lesson. sheffeleria? even the spell check cannot help me. the other is what is the common name for phothos? and spelling for both.” – Patricia
Plant Expert Reply:
Schefflera is commonly referred to as octopus plant or umbrella plant. Pothos is the common name for Epipremnum aurem (syn Scindaspus Aureus). Hope this information helps.
please help , what can i do with this can it be help, or is it a lose it froze first then this happened
Attached Image: 20140304_153558.jpg
I would say the plant has a long row to hoe to make it back from this kind of freeze. However, do not give up hope. I recommend moving the plant inside if possible to avoid any more damage due to the cold temperatures. Once the plant has been moved inside, check to see how bad the damage is. You can do this by taking your fingernail and scrapping the branches until you see green tissue. As long as the branches and/or trunk still has green tissue, the plant can recover. You will need to cut off any damaged tissue. Then give it a couple of weeks and you should see new growth forming. During this time keep the soil moderate moist. Do not fertilize. Good luck and keep me posted.