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Congratulations Kiwi Fleur–Voted Savannah’s Best Florist 2008

I was sitting with Jamie this morning when Amy Hall, a Flower Shop Network representative and good friend, brought us some interesting news about one of her florists in Savannah, Georgia who had received a pretty major award. So, all of us at Flower Shop Network would like to congratulate Vicki Sepielli of Kiwi Fleur for a job so well done that her shop was voted Best Florist 2008 by readers of Savannah Magazine! Way to go, Vicki!

What’s really interesting about Vicki is that she’s not a native of Savannah or even of the United States. The name “Kiwi” is a nod to New Zealand where Vicki was born. With international flair on her side, Vicki has spent more than 35 years soaking up inspiration from European and International designs. Vicki incorporates her talents into gorgeous flower arrangements that stop the show.

Vicki also specializes in wedding flowers and does an absolutely tremendous job making sure that each wedding is a personal extension of the bride’s wishes. Each piece is unique to the bride’s own tastes and represents the bride in the best of lights. That’s what we all want on our wedding day, right? Savannah is so lucky to have this type of quality floral design right in the heart of town!

Congratulations, Vicki!


  1. Congratulations to Vicki!