Ask The Expert: I have received a Spathiphyllum plant and it is blooming. Some of the blooms have turned brown and wilted. Do I clip the dead blooms off? If so,where on the stem should they be clipped? Glynda
Plant Expert Reply:
Yes, you need to clip the old peace lily (Spathiphyllum) blooms off. Follow the bloom stalk down to the base of the plant and clip it off. This will make the plant more attractive and it will send a signal to the plant that it needs to bloom again.
I think my plant may be root-bound. How do I deal with this? The roots are showing all along the bark which is now protruding out of the flower pot.
Hi Frances,
Your plant is definitely root-bound. You will need to transplant it to a larger pot. To transplant, select a pot that is wider and at least as deep as the current pot. Plants should never be planted deeper than they were in the original pot. Fill the pot with a houseplant potting soil — place the plant in the soil and fill in around the sides. Do not cover the top of the root ball with soil. Water lightly every couple of days until the plant becomes accustomed to its new environment. Don’t over water. You can also choose to divide your plant at this time. For more details on that, visit this Dividing a Peace Lily post.
Do Peace Lilies often produce blooms bunched together in a bunch of 4 or 5 blooms from the same stem?
Peace lilies can often have multiple blooms on one plant.