What’s sweeter than the taste of a ripe fruity peach? The peach blossom, of course! Delaware’s reputation as the “Peach State” led to the adoption of the peach blossom (Prunus persica) as the official state flower of Delaware in 1895. Since then, the peach blossom has paved the way for florists in Delaware to find the sweetest inspiration in the smallest places.
What’s interesting is that the goldenrod was almost named the state flower of Delaware until agriculturalists, farmers, and school children took a stand for the peach blossom. After all, Delaware had garnered the nickname of the “Peach State” and was the leading producer of peaches in the country at the time. The goldenrod was out and Delaware legislation first recognized the peach blossom as the official state flower in 1953.
Though the peach industry in Delaware is no longer “growing,” the peach blossom holds with it great tradition and recognition. From Woodside to Laurel, Delaware florists still draw great inspiration from the colorful pink blooms of the peach blossom. The small flowers amount to large, colorful displays when bunched together on peach trees. Even Fresno, California florists are getting excited about the peach blossom. Though on the other coast, the beautiful appeal of the peach blossom has inspired many at the California State University – Fresno to celebrate with the Peach Blossom Festival of 2009.
With such a large appeal, it is no wonder that Delaware florists often call on the peach blossom for creativity and inspiration. Show your little peach just how much you think of her by sending a colorful arrangement of pink flowers inspired by the colorful peach blossom.
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