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Drooping Peace Lily – Mystery Illness or Environmental Woes

Ask the Expert: Hello! I received a peace lily approximately three wks ago. It sits in afternoon light, and I have watered it once a month. Almost overnight, the leaves drooped. Help sites have told me that wilting can be caused by too much OR too little water. I don’t know what to do! Another peace lily I got on the same day sits only two feet away, and is doing great. Please advise. Thank you kindly. Sharon


Wilting usually does occur because of a watering issue, however other environmental factors sometimes cause problems. Let’s address the most common environmental issue – exposure to extreme temperature changes. Is this peace lily exposed to breezes from an outside door or directly under an air vent? Temperature changes can cause issues like the one you are experiencing. If this is the case, move the plant out of the airflow and it should recover. The other environmental condition deals with the container in which the plant resides. You say you received this plant – was it wrapped in a beautiful foil with a bow from a flower shop? When you receive a plant wrapped in foil, remove the foil as soon as possible. The foil is waterproof and will not let the plant drain. It is ok to leave it in the foil for up to a week. Also, check your container and make sure it has drain holes. If the plant has been soggy for sometime it may have root rot. If the root rot is minor, you can repot and the plant will recover. You might want to read the Brown is a Good Color for Chocolate but not a Peace Lily post – it has some information that will help you. Hopefully this information will help you save your peace lily.


  1. terry Battle says:

    My peace lily is drooping severely I’ve change the pot put new soil and it cont. to droop what could be the issue and how can I save it

  2. Terry,
    Over-watering and under-watering will cause a peace lily(spathiphyllum) to wilt (droop). When it comes to watering once a week should be enough provided that you give it adequate water. You can water one of two ways: Give it water until it starts to over-flow into the saucer or you can water and then do a moisture test. You want your soil to be moist but not soggy at all times. This means that if you stick your finger into the soil about a knuckle deep and remove some of it that you can roll the soil into a ball. When you squeeze this soil ball it should not produce a lot of water just a slight amount.
    Another thing that will cause a peace lily to droop is temperature changes. If your plant is directly under an air vent the drastic change in temperature when the air comes on will cause the plant to droop.
    Check both of those conditions. Once you correct the situation it should take a week or so for the plant to recover. Be patient and give it time. Hope this helps.

  3. Mice dug into my Spath and now leaves droop at
    top of stem. This plant is years old and was doing
    great.. I repotted it and have it outside where it
    receives morning sun until about 10. Would it help
    to cut the drooping stems off and see it it encourages
    new growth?

  4. Jamie Woods says:

    Hi Linda,
    How long has it been drooping? Sometimes it can take a plant a couple of weeks to perk back up after experiencing shock.

  5. Well over a month. The leaves just dangle
    downwards. Leaf stems are upright. Plant is about 9 yrs old

  6. Hate something happening to it as it was a funeral
    Plant when my brother in law died. He was super special to our family. Husband even named plant Uncle Bill after him.

  7. Jamie Woods says:

    It sounds like it may not be getting enough water. Make sure you are keeping the soil moist, but not soggy, at all times, and that it has good drainage. I would try to refrain from cutting the leaves off for now, and give it a little more time. If I can help in any other way, please let me know.