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Dropping Peace Lily Needs A New Home

Ask the Expert: Peach Lilly is droopy.
My husband received a peace lily as a gift.  It is in a basket type pot with no hole in the bottom.  The plant is very heavy and I am continuing to spray the leaves but it is drooping like it needs water.  It is extremely heavy so I don\’t think it needs water.  Should I repot it in a pot that has drainage or is this a typical way to plant these; in a pot that is plastic lined and not drainage in the pot?  Don\’t want to loose the plant. JoyLynn


A peace lily will wilt when over watered as well as when it is under watered.  In your case, you are right in your assumption that the peace lily doesn’t need more water.  Since your pot doesn’t drain, the roots are probably way too wet.  You can do one of two things – repot it into a container that has drain holes or change the conditions in the existing pot.  If you like the pot it can in, simply take the plant out and place rocks in the bottom of the pot; then put the plant back in the pot.  You will still have to be careful not to over water the peace lily.  However, the rocks will help to keep the roots from drowning. Once you have correct the problem the peace lily such make a full recovery.

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