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You’ve Got Business! – Effective E-mail Marketing & You

“E-mail is the ‘original social media’ and it is the one platform that, pretty much, everyone still uses today.” explains Dan Zarrella, marketing specialist.

E-mail marketing is listed as one of the top three most effective marketing methods. E-mail marketing is the affordable way to keep your customers coming back.

Florist Tips for Email Marketing:

  • Email MarketingBy staying connected, you are building stronger customer relationships.
  • Segment your database of emails into usable groups, such as male/female, age or by interests. By doing this you can send more targeted emails. (Example: Sending different emails to men and women on Valentines Day to encourage sending to each other.)
  • Make emails easy to forward; this can be a quick and easy referral for your flower shop.
  • Schedule emails to be sent when your audience is most likely active, such as early morning or just after work.
  • Pay attention to what interests customers. Test different types of arrangements in your e-mails to see which ones your community responds to most.

Without a good e-mail address list, e-mail marketing can fall short.

Gather email addresses using these methods:

  1. Email Marketing Simply ask every person placing an order for their email address.
  2. Hold a weekly or biweekly contest where the only requirement is to enter an e-mail address.
  3. Ask customers to refer family and friends in exchange for a percentage off or a special gift.
  4. Send customers on your mailing list a postcard asking for the e-mail addresses of family or friends.

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