Ask The Expert: My husband bought me an English Ivy from the florist and said it is suppose to filter the air and rid your home of anything causing allergies. I don’t believe this, but wanted to ask. He said you are suppose to be able to get rid of your air purifier.
Please advise.
Lily Hampton
Plant Expert Reply:NASA scientists conducted a clean air study to find a solution to indoor pollution problems. English Ivy was one of the plants studied and it was found to help eliminate indoor pollutants.
English Ivy removes Formaldehyde, Benzene, and Carbon Monoxide which helps to purify the indoor air. So, in a sense it may help with allergies. However, it will not remove certain allergens like pollen, pet dander or dust.
Actually some studies have cited plants ability to reduce airborne particulate (dust) and mold spores as well as other microbes….