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Design Inspiration Challenge: Round 5


FSN is PROUD to bring you the NEXT Design Inspiration Challenge! Florists everywhere are buzzing about this new Challenge, we hope to see designs from each and every one!


The WINNER of the Design Inspiration Challenge Round 4: Coral Reef

Earl from Shirley's Florist Inc. - Winner of Round 4

Our toughest decision yet! Earl from Shirley’s Florist Inc. went above and beyond with his use of color on this one. It was astounding how perfectly matched it was. When I first put the arrangement photo on top of the coral photo I thought I lost it! Congratulations Earl! Great work! All of our finalists did a great job interpreting this design! The judges scores were so close, but Earl from Shirley’s Florist Inc. wins by just 2 points! We loved the unique design they submitted. Earl wins a beautiful award certificate, great FSN tote bag and is now a finalist for our grand prize! Congratulations!

We Would Also Like To Recognize:
2nd Place – Concord Flower Shop (52/60 points)
3rd Place – Forget Me Not Florist
(51/60 points)
View all entries here…

We think everyone did a FANTASTIC job on their arrangements. It was so close, and a very tough decision!
FSN would like to thank everyone who was a part of this contest!



Ceiling from Paris, Las Vegas

Yet again, we picked something totally different from our other challenges.  This is the dome in the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas. Study this photo carefully and use your imagination to interpret it into a floral design. This inspiration is a great exercise for your color harmonies, usage of line and other elements/principles of design. We hope these challenges are helping you to learn to see design in your every day lives.

We cannot wait to see what you come up with!


Entering is EASY! Simply:

  • Go to our Facebook Page
  • Post a photo of your design on our wall or email it to mandy@flowershopnetwork.com
  • Be sure to include the name of your shop. (If your shop has a Facebook Page, link it by typing @ and your shop’s name)
  • Include the name of the designer (Optional if you are only submitting one per shop.)
  • Please specify it as being an entry to the contest. “My entry for the design contest.”
  • Include a brief description of your design and how it was inspired by that week’s challenge (Optional)


You have 2 weeks to create and enter your challenge arrangement. Then, there will be two types of voting — think Idol. Round 1 is open public voting on our website for your top 5 finalists! Then those finalists move on to Round 2 where our FSN Design Team will judge them based on creativity, style and how well their design interprets that week’s inspiration.

How the judging works: Our design team will score each finalist on 3 categories: style, creativity, interpretation. Each category is worth 20 points for a total of 60 points. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at mandy@flowershopnetwork.com


  • Contest Begins (Today, Aug 6)
  • Two weeks to design (Aug 6-19)
  • One week to vote (Aug 20-Aug 26)
  • Winner Announced/New Challenge Begins (Aug 27)

Each winner will receive a great FSN tote bag and awards certificate, plus a special feature on our blog with their arrangement, a link to their shop’s website, an awards certificate and a great, big FSN tote bag! They will also be promoted on our Twitter and Facebook for two weeks. After 6 challenge winners (September) we will have a Tournament of Inspiration and our top winning designers will compete for a grand prize! (More on this later)

You are allowed to enter the weekly contests more than once, but only entered as a Grand Prize Finalist once. Shops may only submit one design per designer. (Please no cheating :P This contest is just for fun and to stretch your creativity)

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