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4Florists: Mardi Gras Promotions (Just in Time for Valentine’s Day)

You don’t have to live in New Orleans to celebrate Fat Tuesday.  Officially, Mardi Gras is on Tuesday, February 12th, but you should start your promotions by at least the 4th, if not sooner. I know what you’re thinking… “but but but.. that’s VALENTINES DAY. I can’t be bothered with Mardi Gras.” While that’s true, I’ll show you some quick and easy promotions you can do that won’t get in the way of your Valentines Day marketing plan. Because this holiday occurs so close to the biggest floral holiday of the year, take advantage of this time to spread the word about your flower shop!

"Mardi Gras" Flower ArrangementFind Your Target

You know your community better than anyone else. What groups can you promote Mardi Gras flowers and gifts to and be the most effective? If you live in an area where the holiday is widely observed, this will be easy, but if not, you might need your marketing thinking cap for this one. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Restaurants
  • Bars
  • Coffee Shops
  • Collegiate hangouts
  • Hotels
  • Casinos
  • Anywhere!

What They Want/Need & How To Make It Work For You

Contact all of the above businesses in your area, and anyone else you think might want a little more ‘fun’ with their business. Offer a discount for a special, Mardi Gras-themed flower arrangement to brighten up their space. But here’s the kicker… offer an even BIGGER discount if you are allowed to leave a stack of business cards with the arrangement. This close to Valentines Day, you want as many people in your community thinking about YOU and your flower shop; this is a great opportunity to get the word out. Make sure you’re website URL and phone number is on each and every card you leave.

Restaurant Tip – Do what you can to supply a small, Mardi Gras-themed bud vase for every table, but attach a business card or statement stuffer slip to each to advertise your services in time for Valentines Day to everyone who dines.

Remember: It’s not so much about getting people to send flowers for Mardi Gras, it’s more about the impressions you’ll receive from those who see your promotional arrangements. Remember, an even bigger floral holiday is on the horizon.

Give Them Quality

Even though these special arrangements may be discounted, don’t skimp on quality! Remember, these will (hopefully) be seen by many locals you may not have connected with before. You’re goal is to impress them enough so when they think sending flowers, they think of you!

Use the colors of Mardi Gras, green, purple & gold, to create a special floral arrangements for these businesses. Get creative and think outside the box. Use the traditional beads and masks of Mardi Gras as your inspiration and go all out.

When To Start

Start as soon as possible. Use flowers you know will last so you can deliver the arrangements well in advance. You want them to still be beautiful and vibrant on the 12th for Fat Tuesday, but try to deliver them at least a week earlier.

Mardi Gras Promo Flyer for FloristsSigns & Promo Materials

If you’re an FSN Member, you have the tools to create your own promotional materials. In the Marketing Center, you’ll find a printable Mardi Gras flyer (shown right). Download this PDF and take it to your local printers. Hang these flyers on community boards, windows of fellow businesses, and anywhere else you can find.

If you don’t have business cards printed, or just want something different, check out the Statement Stuffer Creator inside the Marketing Center.

Simply choose the holiday or an arrangement (something like Fleur-de-lis under Spring Flowers), type in a tag line, and click Create Stuffers! You will generate a PDF file which you can print yourself, or take to a local print shop. (See example below.) You can print 3 or 6 per sheet, which will include your shop’s name, address, URL and phone numbers.

Statement Stuffers from FSN

If you’re a florist and think promoting for Mardi Gras is not worth it, you just might want to reconsider. Let us know what your plans are for marketing in February in the comments below!

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