Daffodil Plant Care Tips
Daffodils (Narcissus) are popular flowers that bloom predominantly during the late winter or spring. The daffodil or jonquil, with its recognizable yellow or white blooms, is an excellent cut flower or potted flowering plant. Often used as a potted plant during Easter, this flower can be found in many gardens around the same time. In fact, daffodils (Narcissus) typically enjoy a cool, moist environment and perform well in a border, cool garden, or between shrubs.
Daffodil Care: Light Requirements
Daffodils thrive in low light, shady environments. Outdoors, daffodils perform well in the darker days of late winter when young and adapt with age to flourish in the full light of an early spring day. Potted daffodils require a position with full and bright light, perhaps the light of a terrace, sunroom, patio edge, or window boxes for smaller hybrids.
Daffodil Care: Water Requirements
Potted daffodils need a well-drained moist soil; be sure to have a drip tray to catch excessive draining. In the garden daffodils (Narcissus) enjoy a cool, evenly moist environment. Though typically found in cooler, dryer climates, daffodils can be spotted in the damp crevices of rocks, river silts, woodland areas, meadows, and other clammy locations. Ensure that the soil surrounding the daffodils remains moist during the rooting period and after blooming. Be sure to water late-flowering daffodils during dry spring weather; flowering will be decreased in dry conditions. However, bulbs should be kept dry when dormant.
Daffodil Plant Care: Fertilizer Requirements
Daffodil (Narcissus) bulbs contain all the nutrients necessary for growth so soil needs should be focused on moisture retention with good drainage as well as providing ample room for root growth. After the daffodils bloom, apply a balanced (20-20-20) fertilizer at least once. Apply a high potash fertilizer to the soil if the bulbs do not burgeon well as this should aid in flowering.
Daffodil Care: Pests and Diseases
Typical pests affecting the daffodil may include large the narcissus bulb fly, bulb scale mites, the narcissus nematode, and slugs. Pathogen (fungal, bacterial, viral) may include narcissus basal rot and narcissus yellow stripe virus.
Daffodil Care: Propagation and Potting
In the Garden, plant daffodil bulbs at a depth of one-and-one-half to five times their own depth in autumn. Where winters are severe, make sure at least three inches of soil cover the bulbs. Allow the roots plenty of room to develop freely. If forcing the daffodils indoor, plant the bulbs with necks showing in an azalea pot or bulb pan using soil less or organic based potting mix.
Daffodil Care: Pruning & Dead-heading
Daffodil plants should be dead-headed as the flowers fade to create a neater appearance of the garden. Allow the leaves to remain for at least six weeks. Lift and divide clumps when they become congested or the flowering becomes sparse.