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Flower Shop Network Employees Camp Out During Ice Storm

Paragould Arkansas is one of the many towns across the nation suffering from massive power outages caused by the Tuesday ice storm and the location of Flower Shop Network’s corporate offices. Almost everyone in this town of 28,000 is without power.  Even during this regional catastrophe, the Flower Shop Network staff has been able to work without much difficulty thanks to a natural gas generator.

I am thankful that Brock and Loranne Atwill, Flower Shop Network owners had the forethought to install a natural gas generator for just such emergencies.  After a cold night at home, I was able Wednesday morning to come to work where there was heat, hot water, a shower, a microwave and a stove.  Not only did I find a warm office when I arrived at work, I found an open invitation.  I, like all other FSN employees, was encouraged to bring my family (including my dogs to work) where they could be warm as well.  That’s how it is here at Flower Shop Network.  We are more of a family than a place of business and when the chips are down we take care of each other.

Last night several of the employees and their families chose to spent the night here.  They brought sleeping bags and approached the situation as a camping adventure.  Along with sleeping bags, they brought food and games.  They turned a crisis into a fun party by cooking, sharing and making the best of it.  Between last night and this morning everyone had a chance to use the shower.

We are weathering this storm the best we can. For those of you in the same boat, we wish you the best.  It’s funny  – as we learn that a co-worker’s neighborhood power is up, we react as if they have won the lottery. Hopefully we will all be winners soon. Although it looks like it maybe well into February before some of us have power.

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