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Flower Spotlight: Larkspur

Larkspur is part of the Delphinium family and is the birth flower for July! Keep reading to learn more about their origin, meaning, and some interesting facts!


Larkspurs were originally native to the Mediterranean and were introduced to Britain in the mid-1500s. Soon after, they were introduced to the US and other parts of the world. It’s named after the Greek word for dolphin because it resembles a dolphin’s nose. The ancient Romans even believed that the god Neptune transformed an endangered dolphin into a flower to give it protection. Larkspur grows in an array of colors, from white to yellow to deep reds, blues, and purples. They are said to have medicinal and magical properties but are toxic when ingested.


  • Larkspurs were planted around stables in Transylvania to provide protection against witches.
  • In ancient times, larkspurs were used to heal wounds and the seed was used to get rid of lice.
  • Larkspurs were also believed to provide protection from lightning.
  • Said to have medicinal properties, larkspur has been used throughout history to cure eye diseases, asthma, dropsy, and lice.


Larkspurs have an array of meanings. Despite being toxic to animals and people, they have commonly been associated with lightheartedness and youth. Each color offers a different meaning, with white symbolizing happiness, pink symbolizing fickleness or indecisiveness, and purple symbolizing first love. Charming and sweet, larkspurs make for a stunning addition to any bouquet! Be sure to ask your local florist to use larkspur the next time you send flowers!

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