For those of you who didn’t know, the stunning golden marigold is the birth flower of October. This gorgeous garden bloom is bright and full of meaning! Here’s everything you need to know…
Origins & Symbolism
The cultivation of marigold flowers began back in the 16th century. This was done after Spanish explorers brought the flowers to Europe from their trip to South America. The Victorian flower language links marigolds to feelings of grief and despair. In the Mexican culture, that same meaning is embraced as they use the flower in remembrance of the departed during Day of the Death festivities. In modern times, the flower has become more of a symbol of optimism and success, which definitely embodies the true beauty of this bright bloom.
Often times the marigold flower is given to people encouraging them to do their best in everything they do in life. Is there someone in your life that needs a bit of inspiration? Get with your local florist and have them deliver a marigold plant! More than the gift, it’s about the thought. Make sure they know you’re rooting for them!
Marigolds were often used as love charms in the Middle Ages. This was done by both genders when they wanted to attract new people into their lives.
According to the ASPCA, marigold flowers are non-toxic to cats and dogs.
Marigolds can be eaten raw or cooked. They are often used by chefs in salads and entrees as garnish. Be sure to consume only organic blooms if you choose to try it out.
Marigolds usually come in the colors red, orange, yellow and maroon. If you’re looking to purchase some for yourself to plant in your garden or to gift a friend or family member, be sure to visit your local florist!
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