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Flower Spotlight: Stock

With a name like stock, it’s no wonder these flowers are frequent flyers in flower arrangements. These flowers grow in clusters of single and double blooms and have a spicy scent, similar to that of cloves. They are available in many colors and add a refreshing element to arrangements.

Origin and Symbolism

The scientific name for stock is Matthiola and it is also sometimes referred to as gilliflower (or gillyflower). Stock originates from Western Europe, South Africa, and Central and Southwest Asia, but can now be found growing all over the world.

Stock symbolizes lasting beauty, bonds of affection and promptness. When found in an arrangement, it says, “You’ll always be beautiful to me.”

Fun Facts

Stock is a member of the Brassicaceae, or mustard family. Other members of this family include broccoli, cabbage, turnips, and horseradish.

There are four main groups of stock: Brompton stock, East Lothian stock, Ten Week stock, and Column stock.

Stock can be grown as an annual or perennial.

Gilliflower refers to a wide range of flowers that all have a scent similar to clove, including carnations and wallflowers. If you are referring to
stock as gilliflower, the proper terminology is stock gilliflower.


Stock can be found year round in flower shops and is a great bedding plant. They can withstand fairly cool temperatures, and it is best to plant them in early spring. They will bloom through summer but tend to bloom less in high summer temperatures.



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