The zinnia is an annual found more often in the garden than in a flower shop. They resemble a cross between a daisy and a dahlia and come in brilliant hues. Hardy and drought resistant, they are an enduring flower with great beauty.
Origin and Symbolism
Zinnias originated in Mexico and the Americas. Named after Johann Gottfried Zinn in the 1700’s who was a botanist. This is also who zinnias are named for. Zinnias are well known for their endurance, and this is one of the many meanings for zinnias. They also symbolize thoughts of friends.
Here are some of the meanings by colors:
Mixed color- Thinking of an absent friend
Magenta- Lasting affection
Scarlet- Constancy
White- Goodness
Yellow- Daily remembrance
Fun Facts
Have pets and want some pretty flowers? Zinnias make a great choice because they are non-toxic to dogs, cats, and horses!
These old-fashioned flowers are starting to make their way into weddings as brides seek untamed and garden style bouquets at their weddings.
Zinnias can have single, semi-double, or double rows of petals.
Zinnias were nicknamed “mal de ojos” by Spanish explorers, which means sickness of the eye.
The growing season for zinnias lasts from spring until the first frost. They can generally be found year-round at your local florist but will be at their best during this time.
Zinn was never in Mexico. He grew the plants in the botanical garden of the University of Goettingen and recognized them as probably representing a new genus.