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Help! Why Do My Azalea Blooms Always Buckle After Rain?

Ask The Plant Expert: Our azalea blooms appear to collapse after any sort of rain – yet other azalea plants,  (similar to ours) in the neighborhood, do not seem to have this problem.  Could you please explain why this could be so?  We have plenty of blooms, but they don’t last in the rain. – Charlie

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Charlie,

Send A Azalea HouseplantYou might have a different type of azalea than your neighbors. Depending on the species of azalea, the blooms might be more delicate and thus not as sturdy during a rain.

  • If you have the same species of azaleas as your neighbors, exposure is the culprit. Your azaleas may get more of the blunt force of the elements, especially the rain.  This will cause the blooms the collapse.
  • Another factor can be the amount of blooms that your plant has. An abundance of blooms will cause the plant to catch more water. The weight of this extra water will cause the blooms to collapse.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.


  1. Bradley says:

    My azaleas this year had phenomenal flowers. Of two identical plants one has come out with a flush of new growth following flowering. One looks almost dead. Very few leaves and no new leaves.

    Do you know may have caused one to collapse?

  2. Dani James says:

    Hi Bradley!
    There are a few reasons that this might have happened to one of your azalea plants. The most likely reason could be overexposure to the elements. If that plant had a more direct line to rain than the other one, it could have caused the blooms to collapse. Hope that helps!