Kwanzaa celebrates African heritage in African-American culture and is based on the year-end harvest celebrations which have taken place throughout Africa for thousands of years. Decorations contain the traditional colors of red, black and green and hearken back to those African roots. If you want your decorations to focus on nature and all its wondrous bounty, there’s no better place to start than your local florist!
Creative Arrangements in Kwanzaa Colors
Contacting your local florist opens up a vast world of creative options. Flowers come in all shapes, sizes and colors, so there are few limitations to what can be done when someone talented is doing the designing. Do you have a specific idea you want to see brought to life, perhaps a theme you want the designer to illustrate? All this and more is possible when working with your local florist. They can create something unique and amazing made especially for you!
Preparing for the Feast
The Feast is the grand finale of Kwanzaa, a culmination of the seven day celebration and an opportunity to gather loved ones together for food, family, community and fun. Just as local florists decorate homes and businesses for Christmas, they can help decorate your gathering for the Kwanzaa Feast! Just let them know what you need, in advance of course, and they can create something gorgeous that perfectly illustrates the principles of Kwanzaa in dramatic fashion.
When you use your local florist, the options are unlimited! Joyous Kwanzaa!
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