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Giving A Peace Lily A Haircut.

Ask The Expert: Peace Lily

I have had a fabulous peace lily for just under 10 years – it’s about 1.5 meters high and around 2 meters wide.  Never had a problem until I went on holiday last month and my colleague forgot to water it for 3 weeks and it dried out completely.  I came back to find it totally wilted and laid on the floor.  I’ve watered it but it made no difference and it’s still completely wilted and I’ve now had to tie it around bamboo canes to keep it upright but the leaves, although still green, are just hanging down.  Any tips on what I can do?  THANK YOU. Fiona


  1. Fiona,

    Try trimming off some of the leaves to stimulate new growth. I would probably trim the ones on the outer edge. You should start to see new growth coming from the center. As the new growth gets larger trim more of the damaged leaves off. Hopefully this will help to restore your plant to it’s former glory.

    If you still have trouble with your peace lily you might want to divide it and create new plants. Read the peace lily care instruction on this page.

  2. Judy Kusalich says:

    I have brought many a plant on deaths door, including my peace lily, back to life with \"Oxygen Plus\" a liquid plant food put out by Safer. You have to be prepared for the plant to grow beyond your expectations. Do to a deer problem I have to plant vegetables and and such in pots on my balcony and have used it on them too. It brought my totally dead lemon cucumber plant back to life and it produces like crazy. Good luck

  3. Judy Kusalich says:

    Try Oxygen Plus made by Safer Brand