Ask The Expert: Lucky Bamboo. My bamboo plants are too tall. Can I cut the roots off and put them back in the water and let them grow new roots? Sharon
We have a wonderful opportunity when our lucky bamboo outgrows the size we prefer. We can create new lucky bamboo pieces as we reduce the size of our current lucky bamboo stems. This is done through a vegetative propagation process. Here is the quick version of how to propagate lucky bamboo.
Propagation: New Lucky Bamboo can be created through vegetative propagation. Begin by finding a node – the raised rings that grow around the stalk – make a cut about an inch above the node. You will now have a top and a bottom. Leave the bottom in the original container. The bottom will have no leaves and after a few days will need to be lightly misted every few days to encourage new growth. The tops will have all of the leaves. Take the top and dip the cut end in rooting hormone. Let it dry overnight before placing the top in the original container or a new container.
There is a post on the blog that might help called Lucky Bamboo Isn’t Always Lucky. You might want to read it. Just use the search box above or click on the lucky bamboo link in the side bar this will take you to the lucky bamboo posts. There are pictures in the isn’t lucky post that will help you determine where the nodes are and it will have other useful information.
My Dracaena Sanderiana – Lucky Bamboo – was a Christmas gift. I have it sitting on my desk at work near a window with a blind which provides filtered light. All of a sudden it has started to go yellow near the top of the bamboo stem and the stems are looking crinkled. The plant is in soil. Help please!
What kind of water are you using? Lucky Bamboo doesn’t like tap water, due to the chemicals found in it. If you’re not already, try using distilled water instead.
We have a wonderful opportunity when our lucky bamboo outgrows the size we prefer. We can create new lucky bamboo pieces as we reduce the size of our current lucky bamboo stems. This is done through a vegetative propagation process. Here is the quick version of how to propagate lucky bamboo.
Propagation: New Lucky Bamboo can be created through vegetative propagation. Begin by finding a node – the raised rings that grow around the stalk – make a cut about an inch above the node. You will now have a top and a bottom. Leave the bottom in the original container. The bottom will have no leaves and after a few days will need to be lightly misted every few days to encourage new growth. The tops will have all of the leaves. Take the top and dip the cut end in rooting hormone. Let it dry overnight before placing the top in the original container or a new container.
There is a post on the blog that might help called Lucky Bamboo Isn’t Always Lucky. You might want to read it. Just use the search box above or click on the lucky bamboo link in the side bar this will take you to the lucky bamboo posts. There are pictures in the isn’t lucky post that will help you determine where the nodes are and it will have other useful information.
Please keep me posted.
My Dracaena Sanderiana – Lucky Bamboo – was a Christmas gift. I have it sitting on my desk at work near a window with a blind which provides filtered light. All of a sudden it has started to go yellow near the top of the bamboo stem and the stems are looking crinkled. The plant is in soil. Help please!
What kind of water are you using? Lucky Bamboo doesn’t like tap water, due to the chemicals found in it. If you’re not already, try using distilled water instead.