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Help! My Lucky Bamboo Roots Are Rotting

Ask the Expert:

Hi, I hope you could help me. The stem near the roots of my plant is starting to rot I guess. What should I do to save the plant and keeping it healthy? I have been watering the plant once a week with distilled water and placing it in indirect sunlight. Thank you. – Regina

Lucky Bamboo Problems Lucky Bamboo Root Problems Lucky Bamboo Root Problems

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:


What is the substance in the glass?  I am a little concerned that this substance maybe causing a problem.  Lucky bamboo is usually placed in a glass container with pebbles or rocks.  If it is something other than that, it maybe releasing a chemical that the lucky bamboo doesn’t like.

Are the roots soft and mushy?  The plant looks fairly healthy.  If the roots are soft and mushy, cut the top off and propagate a new stalk.   If you are not sure how to do that read our blog post We Are Not Always Lucky With Lucky Bamboo.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

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