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Help! My Peace Lily is Suffering

Ask The Plant Expert:

“I just recently figured out what kind of plant I have; it’s a peace lily. My roommate left it behind when he moved and didn’t give any information. My peace lily has tons of brown and dead leaves. I know that pruning the dead blooms, you cut the stalk at the base of the plant because it will only bloom once. My question is, does the same rule apply to the leaves of the plant? Do I trim the entire stalk or just the dead leaf and if I leave the stalk will it sprout more leaves or just die?”-Amanda

Suffering Peace Lily

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply: Yes, you should trim all of the stalks off to the base, whether it be a bloom or a leaf. Even the stalks that have been trimmed already could be trimmed back even further. Be sure to cut at an angle.

As for why your peace lily plant is in this shape, carefully read this post on peace lily care for great tips on how to care for your plant. Spathiphyllum Clevelandii is a very hardy plant and should bounce back in no time. I would check your water and light conditions first. Hope this helps, let us know if you have any more questions.