Ask The Plant Expert:
Hello, I bought a 2 year old avocado tree and transplanted it to a larger pot about 3 months ago, and the plant looked perfect. Now 3 months later I am getting these spots on the plant…
It is planted in a large pot and on one of the pictures you can see where the main middle stalk has died, but the other stalks off of the main are alive. It is potted (extra large pot) in miracle grow moisture control soil and I water once a week. No rain since the issue began. I live in Houston, Texas and the temp is high 79° and low of 46° right now. I am presently spraying Bonine copper fungicide, and Bonine neem oil on the plant once every 7 days. The moisture has been extremely high at night and foggy. Can you possibly tell me what this is? -Michael
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
Michael, as far as I can tell from the photos, the middle stem of your avocado tree does not look dead. Instead, it looks like it is more mature than the other branches. You can use your finger nail to scratch off a bit of the surface to see if below is green and moist. Are there any leaves attached to this stem?
Secondly, I think your main issue could be from watering. When you water, be sure to add water to the soil, not over the plant and on the leaves. Because you are using moisture control soil and are having extremely humid weather, you may need to back up on watering somewhat, especially now that the temperatures are falling. Only water when the soil feels dry to the touch. Poke your finger into the soil about an inch, wait until it is dry to the touch before watering again.
Lastly, the additional chemicals and oils you are using may not be necessary. Unless you are seeing an insect problem, or fungus on your new leaves, I’d recommend not using these until there are issues.
Hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other questions.
Hi my avocado is about a year old. I started the the seed in a cup of water then when the the plant reached about 12 inches tall with about 7 leaves I started to add potting soil to the cup. The soil was sitting in the cup for about 2 weeks then I noticed that the leaves have wilted and the tips of the leaves are brown. I drained the soil and water and placed the plant in a new cup and water only to see if it would come back. It hasn’t changed yet.
Hi Ryan,
If your avocado tree is already 12 inches tall, it should be planted in a pot, or outside if you live in the proper climate. It will experience some shock when transplanted, which can cause some drooping.
Hope this helps!