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Home Arrangement Guide

When most people think of flowers, they think of birthdays, Mother’s Day, and other gift holidays, but blooms don’t need an occasion! An arrangement can be part of your home decor or a beautiful piece of design for your Sunday brunch table. Here is a quick guide on home arrangements to beautify your space and give it a more natural look!

For The Home

Whether it’s an end table, a corner nook or a guest bedroom, there are many areas in your home that need that little something extra to give it a finishing touch. Consider statement pieces, like an orchid, for end tables or a dresser. Choose a tall house plant, like a basket of corn plants or a Norfolk island pine next to a seating area or in a hallway to complete the room.

For The Table

When hosting a dinner or just decorating your dining room, the table arrangement is the focal point for any style. A short arrangement, like fresh flowers in a cube vase, is perfect when having friends over for dinner, because it won’t obstruct the view of guests, while still looking beautiful among the food spread. If you are looking to just decorate a dining room when not in use, consider a tall arrangement. An elaborate vase with tall blooms, like hydrangeas, is perfect to set a neutral tone to your table.

For Outside

If you are looking to decorate your front door or the back porch, you want your greens and flowers to enhance your patio. Hanging baskets give a little extra to a simple front porch. If you want an arrangement for an outside table, consider a bromeliad or English ivy that can easily be moved when entertaining.

Make any room standout with a little flower accents. Head to your local florist and pick up a few blooms to make your next home entertaining event extra special!


Photo courtesy of http://www.weddingandpartynetwork.com/gallery/photo/14350/



  1. Karen Fogel says:

    Nice post, very useful tips, I really want to learn more how to home arrangements. Thank you for sharing.

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