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Home Grown Hydrangeas For Wedding Bouquets

Ask the Expert: What is the best Blue Hydrangea for bouquets?

Could you give me info about what type of blue hydrangea works best for a hand tied wedding bouquet and tips for timing & using the fresh cut blooms from my yard..thanks! Jen


  1. Jen,

    You will need to plant some type of Hydrangea macrophylla also know as French hydrangea or Big-leaf hydrangea. Two cultivars that I am personally familiar with are ‘Nikko Blue’ or ‘Endless Summer’ both of which are blue. Keep in mind they are ph sensitive and you will need to keep the proper ph to ensure the blue color. The hardiness of hydrangeas is dependent on the type of cultivar you plant. Many hydrangeas are hardy to zone 6 but all need moist well drained soil. They are grown in sun however in very hot areas they enjoy a little protection from the sun. Keep in mind that there are three things that affect the blooms on hydrangeas: too much shade, improper pruning and weather.

    If you want to plant hydrangeas this year and use their blooms in a wedding this year, you might not have good luck. To use flowers from your garden in major event you need two things: a personal history with those plants and the ability to be extremely flexible.

    For example I have a cutting garden that includes lilies, gladiolus, roses, baptistia, dahias, gerberas etc. I’ve enjoyed this garden for over seven years and I can tell you in seven years it has never performed consistently. Some years the lilies bloom early, some years the glads bloom late. I never really know how it will perform. So I never plan on a specific flower blooming for a special event. Instead about two days before the event I check the garden, see what’s in bloom and design based on what is blooming. Some times the garden doesn’t cooperate at all and my local florist has to get my rear out of a bind.

    If you choose to use the hydrangeas out of your garden cut them about two or three day in advance and properly hydrate and store them. There is a previous post Hydrating a Hydrangea Bouquet for a Wedding that will give you care and hydration instructions.
    If you think you might need the help of your local florist be sure to call them a week or two in advance to order hydrangea blooms. This isn’t a standard flower for most flower shops and will need to be ordered.

    I hope this information helps. Good luck with your wedding.

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