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What Hostess Gift Should I Bring To The Pool Party?


Come on. Did you ever expect me to say anything besides “flowers”? Hostess gifts are easy to pick out when you have time to go shopping. Those of us with a busy day job and our second job (family) don’t have much time to go look. Personally, I can’t stand shopping. Don’t want to do it. Bringing along a bouquet of flowers that matches the theme of the party is simple enough, quick, inexpensive and tasteful. The best a gal could ask for!

My local florist is awesome. I can say “pool party hostess gift” and she’ll come up with something perfect for the occasion. Maybe even a mermaid on the enclosure card. Being with Flower Shop Network, I get to meet some of the most creative florists and floral designers in the country. I’m constantly impressed by their floral designs. If you’re lucky enough to have a talented florist nearby, make great use of that opportunity!

"Indian Summer" Is Perfect For The Poolside Table!

"Indian Summer" Is Perfect For The Poolside Table!

So picture it. You’re walking up in your little bathing suit and cover-up. You have a towel and some sunscreen in a bag over your shoulder. You’re rocking the shades and own the look. So what’s missing? The hostess gift.

I was explaining one aspect of “southern hospitality” to my friend’s daughter last night. She’s new in town and we had just met so I wanted to get her a gift. I explained that just like arriving to a party, you never show up anywhere empty-handed especially if it’s your first time. First impressions matter. Incidentally, she was attached to my hip the rest of the night.

In the same way, it’s important to keep a cool hostess gift handy for occasions just like this. Pool party hostess gifts may not be the first thing on your shopping list every week but keep your local florist in mind when it does come up. You’ll feel great knowing you gave a gift that they liked. They’ll feel good knowing how polite you are and that you appreciated their hospitality. You’ll feel wet because of the pool, but it’s the summer flowers that will make a splash.

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