Fertilome has a product called Whitefly and Mealybug killer. It is a Resmethrin based insecticide that is safe for most houseplant and it killers more than Whiteflies and Mealybugs. You can get it at your local Nursery and garden center. You will mist the lucky bamboo with this product twice seven days apart. Because it is a petroleum based product don’t let the sunlight beat on the leaves for a few hours after you spray it. If you can’t find the Fertilome product look for a houseplant spray that lists Resmethrin as the active ingredients.
Fertilome has a product called Whitefly and Mealybug killer. It is a Resmethrin based insecticide that is safe for most houseplant and it killers more than Whiteflies and Mealybugs. You can get it at your local Nursery and garden center. You will mist the lucky bamboo with this product twice seven days apart. Because it is a petroleum based product don’t let the sunlight beat on the leaves for a few hours after you spray it. If you can’t find the Fertilome product look for a houseplant spray that lists Resmethrin as the active ingredients.