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Lucky Bamboo With Sunburn

Ask the Expert: Lucky Bamboo Plants,
My bamboo plants were placed in direct sunlight and the leaves burned.  Is there anyway to save the plants?? Linda

Plant Expert Reply:

Move your lucky bamboo into an area with bright light but no direct sunlight.  You can cut the leaves that have turned brown off, since the damage can not be reversed.  You might try misting the area around your lucky bamboo for a few days to encourage the new growth.  Then give the lucky bamboo time to recover.


  1. That’s great advice, right on target! The only thing I would add is that you may consider using a gentle bamboo fertilizer to give your bamboo some extra “oomph” for its recovery. Bamboo fertilizer is a good idea year round but can be especially important when the plant is failing to thrive. We use Green Green with our plants as we have found this product to work MIRACLES with failing bamboo. It is also the magic touch when it comes to developing a deep, healthy green color. Good luck!

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