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Help! Will My Yellowing Lucky Bamboo Get Better?

Ask The Plant Expert:

Will my lucky bamboo yellowing get better or do i need to cut it as not to kill the entire plant? – Mo

Yellowing Lucky Bamboo

Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:

Mo, yellowing in lucky bamboo happens when stem cells to burst, causing irreparable damage. This can be caused by: over fertilization or chlorine and other chemicals in the water or too much light.

Because your bamboo shoot is still slightly green for now, try changing the water to distilled and making sure it is getting proper lighting. If the plant’s health does not improve in about a week, you will need to remove the shoot. (If it gets worse, go ahead and cut it.)

Removing the shoot: When you cut your bamboo (if necessary) you will cut the lucky bamboo about an inch from the next healthy node. (A node is the brown ring around the stalk) In this case, it would be the node close to the bottom. Your plant may be a little short, but it will make it! Refer to Not Always Lucky With Lucky Bamboo for better examples of cutting off yellow stalks.


  1. Thank you for your reply. The yellow part on my lucky bamboo is very dry and seems like dry leaves I could peel off, is that possible?

  2. Should I cut leaves off that are yellow or brown on the ends but green towards the stalk?

  3. Hi Dina! It’s good to get rid of the yellow or brown leaves, even if they are still green towards the stalk.