Ask the Expert: peace lilys
during our relocation from tennessee to georgia my 2 lilies have been in a nephews garage from june until now. I know that the weather was in the 90’s to 100’s during the summer and recently it has been in the teens at night. I would like to bring them back inside and need to know what I need to do to make them inside plants again. They have wilted considerably and alot of the larger leaves are brown half ways. any suggestions would be appreciated. Teresa
Plant Expert Reply:
You plants are already in shock and they will probably look worst before they look better. But, I think they will recover. Anytime you move a plant from outside in to your home check for any signs of pests. During times of stress plants are more susceptible to pests and other pathogen attacks. If you have a pest or fungal problem, you will need to get rid of them. Send me a picture of the pest or problem and I will instruct you on how to get rid of them.
To care for the peace lilies when you take them inside, begin by removing all damaged leaves. Place in an area where the plants will receive bright filtered light, natural if possible. Make sure your drain holes are working and are not obstructed. Keep the plant evenly moist. Do not over-water — the peace lilies will not need as much water as it did outside.
Now for the hard part, wait. You will need to patiently wait while the plants works through the shock of being moved. In a couple of weeks, you should start to see new growth appear. As the new growth appears, you can give the peace lilies a very light solution of water-soluble fertilizer. Now the peace lilies should be fully acclimated houseplants.
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