Ask the Expert: I live in the mountains of Western North Carolina
How can I winter-over/indoors my duranta erecta–little tree in a big pot/about 3-4 feet tall.
It’s beautiful & I’d like to be able to bring it in (should it be in the house/sunny room?) or just in the garage over the winter? Gloria
Plant Expert Reply:
Hopefully the pot isn’t so big that you can’t move the plant and all into the house. I would not recommend trying to put the plant in a smaller pot just to get it in the house.
The optimum place for your duranta would be a sunroom that stays above freezing. It doesn’t necessarily have to be heated but it can’t drop below 30 degrees. A garage will work but only if it stays above freezing and has many windows that will contribute good light. Any room in your house will work as long as it has a good light source.
When you bring the duranta indoors for the winter reduce your watering. The plant will not need as much water as it did outside. You can also cut back on the fertilizer. Watch for spidemites, mealybugs and whiteflies when you take it indoors. If these pests due occur, you can spray it with a houseplant spray that controls those insects.
Good Luck and Keep Me Posted.
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