Ask the Expert: What Is This?
I am an RE agent and a client left this plant behind when they moved. Each flower has 3 pedals which are a purplish color. The pedals close up at nite and open in the sunlight. They have long, thin stems. The client let it go and I am now trying to “bring it back”. Would love to know what it is and how to care for it. Chris
Photos sent by Chris
I think you have an Oxalis plant maybe even Oxalis regnellii ‘Atropurpure’. Oxalis are also know as wood sorrel and a few are called shamrocks. For some this is a desirable plant for others it is a noxious weed. What you are calling flower petals are actually leaves and later it will get very small white blooms. Oxalis likes a shady condition that is moist but well drained.
If you have other pictures I would like to see them. Sometimes a singular picture angle can skew the identification.
Thanks so much for your comments. I will take aditional photos and email them.
I have taken a few additional photos and would love your thoughts on whether you still think it might be the Oxalis.
Thanks again for your help on this.
It is definitely an Oxalis. It is either Oxalis regnellii or Oxalis triangularis (Love Plant)