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3 Hints from Heloise For Sending Flowers

Recently reading through the always-helpful Hints from Heloise advice column in my local newspaper, I saw where a florist Hints from Heloisehad expressed a few frustrations that can easily be fixed.

She explains that sometimes people are in a hurry and do not fill out all of their information when sending flowers. Not only is this time consuming to the florist who has to look everything up, but think of how your friend will feel getting flowers with their name spelled wrong.

Here are a few tips to make sure you are sending flowers that will make your friends smile, not scratch their head and wonder who sent them.

  • 1. Make sure the recipient’s name is spelled correctly.  A florist must write the name exactly as you give it. Double-check to make sure you’ve got the correct spelling, even if it’s a nickname.
  • 2. Use both first and last name. “Many families know more than one ‘Jim or Mary.'” It’s important to specify who you are. Unless your name is Cher, use more than just a first name.
  • 3. Give your correct address for thank you cards, as well as for the florist’s records.

Sending Flowers Send flowers from a real local florist! Send flowers from a real local florist

A few other flower-sending suggestions from us: [Read more…]

Is Tropical Hibiscus Hardy in Upstate New York?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I received a hibiscus tree for a gift. I live in upstate New York. I know that some will tolerate the cold, but this one had no label on it, so now I am wondering if there is a way to tell if it will make it through a winter. Does anyone know how to yell if it is cold hardy? Thank you Mike

Tropical Hibiscus Tree

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Florist Friday Recap 9/10 – 9/14: Fall Descent

It’s Friday! The day of the week we post all of the fabulous pictures florists have shared with us on our Facebook Page. This week, we’ve really started to see fall flower designs showing up in full force! The reds, the oranges, the yellows – it’s time for the descent into fall. So let’s get on with what you’re waiting for – the pictures!

Everyday Flower Designs

Fall flower design by Lady Bug Studio in Olds, Alberta CA

Fall flower design by Lady Bug Studio in Olds, Alberta CA

“It’s harvest time in Alberta!”

Anthurium flower design by Inspirations Studio in Lock Haven, PA

Anthurium flower design by Inspirations Studio in Lock Haven, PA

“We were “inspired” by these anthurium :)”

Fall design by Back to the Fuchsia Florist, Saugatuck MI

Fall design by Back to the Fuchsia Florist, Saugatuck MI

“A “fallish” piece with the coming of autumn…”

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Central Allied Florists of Mississippi’s Christmas Conference 2012

Amy at the entrance of the Mississippi Christmas Show

FSN’s Amy at the entrance of the CAF Mississippi Christmas Show

Flower Shop Network was in Jackson Mississippi this past weekend for an inspiring Christmas show by the Central Allied Florist Association. Attendees were treated to hands-on workshops and design shows, as well as a Christmas-themed vendor showcase.

Frank from Southern Oaks Florist in Hattiesburg MS

FSN’s Shelly with Frank Cade from Southern Oaks Florist in Hattiesburg MS

One of our favorite aspects of going to these conferences is meeting florists in our network face-to-face. In the photo above, you see Frank Cade from Southern Oaks Florist in Hattiesburg MS.

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FSN at the 2012 Alabama State Florist Association Convention

The Wizard of ASFA

Off to see the wizard… the wonderful wizard of ASFA!

Our team had the fabulous opportunity to attend the Alabama State Florist Association‘s 2012 Annual Convention this past weekend in Montgomery. How fun is a Wizard of Oz themed event, especially for florists? Just imagine all you can do with ruby slippers, Emerald City and yellow brick road inspiration!

Flower Shop Network was off to see the Wizard with our very interesting booth arrangement for this show.

FSN Booth at the Alabama Florist Association Convention

Can you see our Mr. Wizards?

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Hey! What’s THAT Flower?

We’ve all gotten flowers before and tried our best to guess what kind of flowers they are. Roses, lilies, carnations… those are the easy ones. What about the more-rare flowers that florists use? Have you ever received an arrangement with a unique flower that made you call your florist just to ask “Hey! What was THAT flower?”

We polled our florists on Facebook and they told us which flowers gets the MOST curious attention from their customers..

Red Protea Pincushion Pincushion Protea – This unique flower always has heads turning. “What flower is that?” Pincushions are native to Zimbabwe and South Africa. They grow naturally in sparse forests and mountain slopes. They are available year-round in colors of red, red-orange, orange and yellow. More about Pincushions
Green Trick Dianthus Green Trick Dianthus – You might be surprised, this is a cousin of the common carnation we all know so well. These super long-lasting, furry flowers that add interesting texture and form to any floral arrangement. So far, these are only available in shades of green to blueish-green. (Unless you florists know otherwise, let me know in the comments below!) Green Tick & Other Green Flowers [Read more…]

Discover Fall Flowers

Discover Fall Through Flowers

Discover Fall Through Flowers

Who can resist the palette of autumn hues? As the temperature gets cooler, fall into fall with the beauty of fall colors and flowers. Whether it be a basket of fall flowers, or a rustic mum houseplant, treat yourself to fall flowers. There’s no better way to celebrate fall than with the natural beauty of the season.

Top 10 Flowers For Fall [Read more…]

SCAM ALERT – Email Scam

Just got word from Tim and Sandra Hooper at MaryJane’s Flowers that their email has been hacked and an email saying they need money because they were mugged in England is being sent.

I’m Sorry I didn’t inform you about my trip to the England for a program, I am presently in England, something extremely awful happened to me, I was mugged at gun point on my way to the Hotel by some Hoodlums and they made away with my Bag and other valuables. Presently my things are been held down by the hotel management due to my inability to pay the hotel bills which I currently owe, they even had to restrict my access to the hotel facilitates until outstanding bills are cleared and I don’t have a dime on me again, I had to walk down to the city library in order to send you this email. I have spoken to the embassy here but they are not responding effectively to the matter.

This is shameful, I need you to help me with a loan of $2,600USD to pay my hotels bills and get my self home. I will reiumburse you soon as I get back Home, with all the interest. I will appreciate whatever you can assist me with. Let me know Immediately.

If you receive this email, please contact your florist – where they will be diligently working in their shop.

More scam alerts from the Flower Shop Network blog.

Please, if anyone else comes across this, or any other floral industry scams, let us know so we can warn others by emailing social@flowershopnetwork.com.

Florist Friday Recap 9/1 – 9/6: Wonderful Weddings

It’s FRIDAY! The day when we showcase all of the amazing floral design pictures real local florists share on our Facebook page. This week, florists were busy busy busy with wedding season, so obviously we’ve got a whole lot of wedding photos in our line up today. Without further adieu, lets get on with the pictures!

Wedding Bouquet Pictures

Pale Peach/Orange Wedding Bouquet by Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

Pale Peach/Orange Wedding Bouquet by Monday Morning Flowers, Princeton NJ

“We had 3 weddings and all were in shades of peach and orange. :)”

White wedding bouquet by MaryJane's Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

Unique wedding bouquet by MaryJane's Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ Rose & calla lily bouquet by MaryJane's Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

Beautiful wedding bouquets by MaryJane’s Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

“A few shots from last weeks weddings…”

Wedding Tablescapes

Gorgeous purple wedding flowers by Monday Morning Flowers in Princeton NJ

Gorgeous purple wedding centerpiece by Monday Morning Flowers in Princeton NJ

“Just received this photo from a recent bride and finding the demand for purple flowers seems to be strong going into 2013. Are other florists noticing the same thing?”

Fall Wedding Display by MaryJane's Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

Fall Wedding Display by MaryJane’s Flowers & Gifts, Berlin NJ

“Just sharing a piece we just took over to one of the bridal venues in this area the Mansions on main street…it is silks and dried, we were asked to do one for each season.”

What will next week bring? Who knows! Be sure to like us on Facebook for even more beautiful floral designs. If you’re a florist, we want to feature YOUR favorite design of the week right here on Facebook Friday Recap! Click here to see past recap posts!

September Newsletter: Season for Sunflowers

Season to Send Sunflowers

September: The Season For Sunflowers

No matter how hot it gets, summer is always a favorite time of year. The outdoor fun, cookouts, shorts and flip flops — what’s not to love? As summer draws to a close, its easy to catch the blues. This year, savor summer til the very last drop.

A great way to do this is by bringing the joy of summer indoors to enjoy at all times. How? Sunflowers! The sunflower is named after its huge, fiery blooms, whose shape is often used to represent the sun. Adding sunflowers to your decor will bring you happiness and warm-summer feelings during all hours of the day. They are also a great decor addition as we descend into fall.

Think of where you could use a little sunshine, perhaps the office? Of course! Pamper yourself with a little sun; send yourself sunflowers! It’s okay to spoil yourself once in a while.

Continue reading Send Sunshine & Sunflowers

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