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Fairy Garden at the Flower Shop Network Booth in NC

Fairy Garden Booth Flowers at the North Carolina State Florist Association Convention

Fairy Garden Booth Flowers at the North Carolina State Florist Association Convention

No question about it, our booth flowers at this year’s North Carolina Florist Association Convention were unlike any we’ve ever had before. Derek from Young’s Florist from Kernersville, NC shows off his creativity with this truly inspired, massive fairy garden.

Fairy Garden Details

FSN Fairy Garden Details FSN Fairy Garden Details

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What Is This Purple Rimmed White Flower?

Ask the Plant Expert: which flower is this?

Hi, A florist brought in these beautiful flowers into our office today. My colleague and I are trying to figure out what kind of flower it is. Could you help us identify it? Thanks! Poorvi

Purple Rim Lisianthus

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Wedding Flower Pictures

It seems that wedding bouquet fashions often change with the seasons. Certainly, fashionable bridal bouquets just a decade ago can seem dated and old-fashioned by today’s standards. It is fun to look at pictures from your parents’ or even your grandparents’ wedding and see the bridal bouquets that were in style then. Some of those bouquets were awfully big!

Wedding Bouquet Picture Inspiration

If you’re planning a wedding, or even just dreaming about planning a wedding someday, we hope that you’ll find these bridal bouquet pictures helpful, and perhaps inspirational.

These beautiful wedding flower pictures are brought to you courtesy of a local florist near you. Planning a dream wedding? Pictures are a great way to see just what lovely flowers are commonly used in weddings. Once a wedding date is finalized, contact a professional florist to schedule a wedding consultation.

Traditional Wedding Bouquet Styles

These styles have been popular for several generations and will continue to be ideal for traditional elegance.

Mixed white rose bouquet

White Rose and Mixed Flower Bouquet
Gathering of creamy-white roses, stock and wax flower hand-tied in a round, colonial bouquet.

White rose bouquet

White All-Rose Bouquet
Lush ivory rose bridal bouquet lightly-sprinkled with seeded eucalyptus for soft, romantic look.

Alstroemeria bouquet with wax flowers

White Alstroemeria Bouquet
White lacy blossoms of alstroemeria and wax flower perfect for bridal, as well as bridesmaid bouquets.

Colorful wedding bouquet

Colorful Wedding Bouquet
Color – a hot trend in bridal bouquets with pink roses, orange-yellow tulips, yellow mini carnations, lavender aster and purple statice.

Cascade style wedding bouquet

Cascading Bouquet
Graceful, white cascade bouquet in roses, dendrobium orchids, gerbera daisies and wax flower.

Calla lily wedding bouquet

Calla Lily Bouquet
A simply elegant favorite, calla lily wedding bouquet, hand-tied in a presentation style.

Modern Wedding Bouquet Styles

Below you will find more modern wedding bouquet styles florists are creating today. We hope this gives you even more inspiration as you plan your wedding day flowers.

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Grandparent’s Day is Sept 9th – Spoil Them For A Change

Grandparent's Day is September 9th. Send flowers!

Grandparent’s Day is Sept. 9th, 2012

Grandparent’s Day is the time of year we get to spoil our Gram-gram and Pop-pop like no other. We go all-out for Mothers and Fathers Day; you can’t forget your grandparents who go all-out for you.

Grandparent’s Day is about honoring our family, but it’s also about learning from them and where you came from. Does your grandmother know a special skill or recipe? Spend time with her and learn it together as a family. Listen as a group to Grandpa’s stories as he tells you of a different time that has been all-but forgotten. This can be especially significant to small children who are learning about respect for their elders and their heritage.

Family Togetherness

Most importantly, this holiday is about family love and togetherness. Even if you can’t physically be together on Grandparent’s Day, making time to talk or express your feelings for them is so important. Flowers for Grandparent’s Day often say what words do not. This traditional gift is perfect to take to your grandparents, or a convenient way to send them a thoughtful gift from afar. Need Grandparent’s Day card messages?

Helping Others

Grandparent’s Day is more than a celebration for your grandparents, it’s to remind us to appreciate our elders everywhere. We should not forget about home-bound elderly and those who are in nursing homes who are unable to see their family for Grandparent’s Day. A simple visit with uplifting flowers can mean more than you will ever know. Keep these grandparent’s in mind as you celebrate this holiday.


Why Does My Lucky Bamboo Have Brown, Wrinkly Patches?

Ask the Expert: Bamboo rotting?

Hi! So I have been keeping my bamboo on a high shelf in good but indirect light, and feeding it bottled water/water left out for 24hrs. Today I took it down to move it and discovered two brown, wrinkly patches at the top where it curves. I couldn’t see them before, since that part was facing the wall.

My guess is that these patches died and started rotting at some point while on the shelf, but I’m surprised because in my experience when a part of a bamboo stalk starts to die, the whole thing has died within days. It’s also usually a bright yellow, not brown.

Do you have any idea what could have caused this? Is it going to keep spreading? I\’ve successfully removed the shoot from a dying bamboo plant in the past, but is it possible to remove the dead section of the stalk and have the rest of the stalk keep living?

Thanks! Renee

(P.S. Sorry for the bad photo quality. I haven’t got access to a real camera at the moment.)

Lucky Bamboo - Rooting issues & brown wrinkles Lucky Bamboo Infected with Colletotrichum dracaenophilum

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Help! Why Isn’t My Anthurium Blooming?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I inherited 2 anthuriums (one pink & one red) about a year ago. both had “blooms” at the time.  Since then nothing. I’ve been wiping the leaves off and don’t think I am over watering, although I think may need to change the soil medium because it appears to be just regular potting soil. As you will see in the pictures attached they are in bright but not direct light. (The large windows are to the right of the bookcase but face due south.)  There are brownish flake-like spots on them; which tend to come off when I wipe the leaves/stems off.  Also, they seem to let off a sticky substance that doesn’t seem to be hurting anything really; just need to keep shelf & floor below clean.  Any suggestions on what I’m doing wrong? – Tammie

Anthurium Houseplants

Anthurium Leaf Anthurium Leaf

Possible Anthurium Infestation

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Florist Friday Recap 8/18 – 8/24: Ritz & Glitz Summer Florals

It’s our favorite day of the week! Why? Because we get to recap all of the beautiful floral design photos our florist friends have shared with us on Facebook! This week we’ve got a lot of ritzy-glitzy pictures from corporate parties and events, as well as beautiful wedding and every day designs. So, keep scrolling to see these fabulous florals!

Corporate Flower Pictures

Lobby flowers by Crossroads Florist in Mahwah NJ

Lobby flowers by Crossroads Florist in Mahwah NJ

““Stripes & Curls” Only 2 types of foliage are used in this Florascape. Glass cylinders lined with Halla Flax leaves, support spheres of Aspidistra leaf curls.”

Corproate event flowers by Bliss Flowers, Jagna, Bohol, Philippines Hotel flower display by Bliss Flowers, Jagna, Bohol, Philippines

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What Do You Get A Gold-Medal Gymnast? Puppy Flowers!

Like many others this August, I couldn’t get enough of the Summer Olympics. Not only was I watching, I was keeping up with the scores and following my favorite athletes on social media. One of my favorites to follow is McKayla Maroney, the American gold medal gymnast and vaulting specialist. When I saw this posted on Instagram, I just had to share!!

Puppy Flowers?! Too Cute!! - McKayla Maroney loves puppy flowers!

That’s right, McKayla Maroney loves puppy flowers! (But who can resist their cuteness?) She says, “NO WAY.. puppy flowers!! tooo cute” with addition of a few flower icons from the iPhone.

Puppy Flowers at the Illinois State Florist Convention

Puppy Flowers at the Illinois State Florist Convention

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What Is This House Plant With Red Leaves?

Ask The Plant Expert:

I received this from a funeral, and I’m trying to find out what it is so I can find how to care for it. – Ronna

Cordyline House Plant

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FSN At the 2012 Arkansas Florist Association Convention

2012 Arkansas Florist Association Convention Entry Way 2012 Arkansas Florist Association Convention Entry Way

Last weekend, Flower Shop Network attended the Arkansas Florists Association‘s 60th Annual Convention – the Diamond Jubilee! AFA took pride in their past as they remembered their long heritage of florist greats.

Flower Shop Network's gorgeous booth flowers. Flower Shop Network's gorgeous booth flowers.

Speaking of diamonds, the Flower Shop Network booth was full of shimmer with this gorgeous silver and white arrangement by Terry Bates of The Arrangement in Hot Springs AR. Everywhere you looked there was new details to see: silver leaves, shimmery wire, and even little diamonds were used on the flowers themselves to look like water drops. It was truly something special. Thanks again, Terry!

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