The bridal bouquet may get most of the attention, but there’s no reason why the flowers at the reception can’t get a little love! From start to finish, a bride wants her wedding to be breathtaking. If decorating the reception space seems a little overwhelming, we’re here to help. Check out some of these flourishing florals to be inspired! [Read more…]
Rollin’ with the Changes
Change is a good thing, and this couldn’t be truer for The Flower Company located in Albuquerque, NM. The shop itself is over 40 years old, and the current owner, Adrianna Duran-Leon, took the reins from her aunt in 2016. [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Peony
A favorite among brides and home gardeners alike, Peonies are an old-fashioned flower that never fall out of style. Peonies have sweetly scented blossoms and are easier to grow than most realize. [Read more…]
Why Should You Send Dad Flowers for Father’s Day?
Flowers for Mother’s Day are a no brainer. Flowers for Father’s Day? Not so much. Why is that? Flowers adorn a man’s lapel when he gets married. They are often sent to the family (not just the mom) when a new baby is born, and flowers will accompany a man when he is laid to rest. These shouldn’t be the only times it is acceptable for a man to receive flowers. [Read more…]
5 Reasons to Send June ’17
June isn’t the busiest holiday month, however, it still has its fair share of reasons to send. This month we look to honor some very important people, celebrate the official start to summer, and spread beauty. Every day brings a new start and a new day to be thankful for the ones we love. A great way to show that love is a beautiful bouquet of summer flowers. [Read more…]
Summer Wedding Bouquet Inspiration
Despite what some may say, summer is a great time for weddings. You have many of the same great flowers that are available in spring, as well as a few that may only come around in the summer sun. While you may have to do a little extra planning to ensure your flowers look their best, don’t let a little sun deter your summer wedding dreams. Make your perfect summer day even better with inspiration from these bouquets! [Read more…]
Our Top 10 Favorite Songs About Flowers
Flowers and nature are an inspiration in many ways. This inspiration is usually expressed in a visual form and the musical representation is often overlooked. Pull out your earbuds and get ready to listen to some of our favorite flower-inspired songs! [Read more…]
Flower Spotlight: Zinnia
The zinnia is an annual found more often in the garden than in a flower shop. They resemble a cross between a daisy and a dahlia and come in brilliant hues. Hardy and drought resistant, they are an enduring flower with great beauty. [Read more…]
Memorial Day and Flowers
Memorial Day is often overlooked as a remembrance day. It is more often seen as the unofficial start to summer. Originally known as Decoration Day, Memorial Day is a day for us to honor all those who have given their lives while serving their country. We have some answers for questions you may have regarding sending flowers for Memorial Day. [Read more…]