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2023 Floral Trends: Spring

Spring is almost here, and with it comes warm weather, sunny skies, and new floral trends! We’re excited about the trends this year and picked a few of our favorites. Check them out below! [Read more…]

Anniversary Gift Guide

Make this anniversary one to remember and celebrate the love of your relationship with a beautiful gift that will make them smile! Not sure what to get? No worries! We’ve got just the thing: [Read more…]

Pet-friendly Flowers & Plants

Flowers and plants can brighten your home and bring a lively pop to any room, but how do you protect your furry friends? It’s easy! We’ve compiled a list of the flowers and plants that are safe for your pets or any pet-friendly home.  [Read more…]

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

valentine day gift guide

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner! Finding the perfect gift for your sweetheart can be hard, but we’re here to help! Check out a few of our favorite gift ideas below: [Read more…]

2023 Floral Trends

It’s the new year and you know what that means! New year, new trends. Check out some of our favorite predictions for 2023. [Read more…]

Birthday Gift Guide

It can be hard to find the perfect gift for a loved one’s birthday. One thing that will always put a smile on someone’s face though, is a bouquet of fresh flowers! We’ve selected a few of our favorite arrangements that are perfect for a birthday celebration to help make shopping a little easier.

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Holiday Highlight: Christmas

The Christmas season has already begun, and we’re so excited for all the holiday festivities! Have you put flowers at the top of your nice list for the holiday season? They’re a great addition to all the Christmas celebrations you’ll be having, so we’ve got a few ideas for how to incorporate them! [Read more…]

December Birth Flower: Narcissus

Even though it’s the holiday season, we can’t let you forget about the people in your life with December birthdays! The birth flower for December is the Narcissus. Keep reading to learn more about this gorgeous wintry flower. [Read more…]

Holiday Highlight: Thanksgiving

Sunflowers with corn cobs and the text "Holiday Highlight: Thanksgiving"

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and we are so excited for family, fun, and food. There’s another F of Thanksgiving we can’t let you forget about though—FLOWERS. They’re perfect to give as a thank-you to your host, or as a centerpiece on your own Thanksgiving table!  [Read more…]

November Birth Flower: Chrysanthemum

Flowers are always a great gift for birthdays! In November, send their birth month flower—the chrysanthemum! Keep reading to see what makes mums unique: [Read more…]