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Friday Florist Recap 10/12 – 10/18: Pumpkins, Kitties and Guitars!

This week’s Friday Florist Recap features a creative mix of images from florists across the country! Seeing the interesting things florists choose to do with flowers is half the fun of these posts, and this week is no different. You will be enchanted by the pumpkin, enamored with the kitty and the guitar may pluck your heart-strings. Scroll on down and see what’s on offer!

Stunning Wedding Flowers

Brilliant bouquet by Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Brilliant bouquet by Monday Morning Flower and Balloon Co. in Princeton, NJ

Bridal bouquet by Tattered Leaf Designs Flowers & Gifts in Lyons, WI

Bridal bouquet by Tattered Leaf Designs Flowers & Gifts in Lyons, WI

Fall bouquet by Honeysuckle Lane in Aurora, NE

Fall bouquet by Honeysuckle Lane in Aurora, NE [Read more…]

FSN at the Society of American Florists Convention 2013!

If you didn’t make it to Phoenix, AZ this September, you missed out on an amazing, informative weekend full of conferences, fun and some serious floral beauty! Flower Shop Network was there in force and we’ve got some excellent photos to show you. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show!

The Booth

Here is a photo of the FSN booth. As usual, our setup crew did a great job! But enough with the same old, same old. Let’s take a look at some of the cool stuff!

Outstanding Varieties Exhibition

Take a look at these excellent varieties from the Outstanding Varieties Exhibition! That is some fantastic work!

Outstanding Varieties Exhibition2

Here’s a close-up of a gorgeous variety. I can definitely see why it’s a blue ribbon winner!

Outstanding Varieties Exhibition1

Another blue ribbon winner. Just gorgeous. But wait, where are the people?

Brock and Loranne at SAF

It’s Brock and Loranne, the owners of FSN! They look very happy attending the Stars of the Industry Awards Reception & Dinner. Judging from the food on those plates, I think I see where all the good cheer is originating! That looks delicious!

Cindy and Bobby at SAF

This is Cindy, our VP of Sales and her husband Bobby. The dinner is making smiles all around!

SAF Awards Dinner

Here’s a nice overview of the room. It should come as no surprise, but there are some lovely florals adorning this banquet! I love seeing florists putting their decorating skills to use! Speaking of florists and skills, I saw a few items that gave floral dresses a WHOLE new meaning!

Floral Dress

A gorgeous interpretation. These dress/flower mixes are amazing!

Floral Dress4

This one is so elegant. Is it just me, or does anyone else feel this is reminiscent of the recent movie Black Swan with Natalie Portman?

Floral Dress1

It looks like the forest draped itself around this mannequin! I can’t help but think of Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.

Floral Dress3

What is this, Hawaii? Let’s go to a Luau!! Fun and beautiful all at once! Speaking of Hawaii, what does that state and Phoenix, AZ have in common? Beautiful weather and golf courses!

SAF Convention 006

Here’s Brock standing beside the hole sponsored by FSN! Looking good!

SAF Convention 012


Golf Ball

Umm … looks like someone’s in the rough. Oops. We here at Flower Shop Network accept no responsibility for the user’s ability to play the game. We just think our logo makes a snappy decoration.

I hope you enjoyed this photo recap of the SAF convention for 2013! There was a lot happening and a lot worth seeing. If you didn’t make it to this year’s convention, don’t fret. There’s always next year! And believe me, you don’t want to miss next year. SAF is going to be held at the Marriott Marco Island Resort in Marco Island, FL, August 13th-16th! Don’t miss your opportunity for fun in the Florida sun!

What is this July Blooming Pink Flower from a Bulb?

TrgridiaAsk the Expert: Do you know the name of this flower?

A friend gave me a bulb to be frozen and planted in spring. It blooms once a year in July and then dries out.

Thank you,


Plant Expert reply: The plant you submitted to the Bloomin Blog for identification seems to be a type of Tigridia. It is sometimes referred to as tiger flower or shell flower. I think yours is a Tigridia pavonia. The blooms only last for a single day. They are in the Iridaceae family and are native to Mexico and Guatemala. I hope this information helps. Please let me know if I can help with anything else.

Have A Good Day,


Reply From Nora: Thank you very, very much. It is great to be able to contact you and learn so much!! Every so often I learn about the indigenous plants in my country and it feels great!

Greetings from Mexico,


A Giving Boss’s Day with FSN

Boss’s Day was a roaring success at the FSN offices, and for more than just our bosses!

The sales department decided to do something a little different this year to honor Brock and Loranne, the owners of Flower Shop Network. Because our owners are such generous people, the sales department chose to do something that embraced their spirit, something that went beyond the walls of our offices and reached out into the community.

Backpack Food Drive

Our local Backpack Food Program collects non-perishable food from the community and businesses in the area and delivers it to local schools, fills backpacks with the collected food and distributes it to children of needy families. This year, as a Boss’s Day tribute, every member of the sales department brought food from home to make a sizable contribution in the name of our owners and sales managers. Way to go, guys!

The contribution

Here is a photo of the contribution in total. Looks like a lot of meals gathered up there. [Read more…]

Avoid the Hidden Cost of Online Images

Hey, isn't that our image?Just like everyone else, I like to spruce up my blog posts and news articles with a few images. After all, who wants to read block after block of text with no visuals to break it up? Nobody, that’s who.

So after I compose a brilliant (even if only to me) article, the next logical step is to search for an equally brilliant image to complement. Easy right? Not exactly. While Google has made things simple by adding an images archive for us to pour through, those images are often copyrighted, and using them without permission could result in some stiff penalties!

Online Does Not Equal Free

Just because an image is posted online does not mean that it is free and clear to be used. Contrary to popular belief, that is not what the law means when it says “public domain”. In this context, public domain means that the copyright has run out and was not renewed or was inapplicable to begin with. It has no bearing on where the image is located or discovered. A photographer who posts his pictures online has just as much right to be compensated for their display as one who sells them in a gallery.

This means that it is NOT okay to right-click any image you see, save it to your hard drive and upload it to your blog or website. If you do, the copyright holder can request you take it down, send you a bill, hire a lawyer to draft a cease and desist order and/or take you to court to sue for damages! And no, attribution* will not save you. Nobody wants to be stuck paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for use of some erroneous image they only snagged because it looked good and helped illustrate their point.

Is There No Such Thing as Free Images?A stiff penalty.

Do not despair; there is hope! I’m not going to slap your hand and walk away, that’s not how this blog operates. Now that I’ve told you why it’s bad to grab random images, let me tell you where to go in order to find some images you can use. I should first say that these sites are not perfect and it’s possible to run across a copyrighted image here. However, your chances of avoiding them are much better than just pulling something you found randomly.

Also, it is a good idea to attribute back to the site you used at the bottom of your post. Some of these sites don’t require attribution*, but it’s just polite. You should ALWAYS read any disclaimers or policies around the photo or site you are using. They are pretty short, and it will be time well spent.

Free Images Online

  1. morgueFile – Free photos. Need I say more?
  2. Creativity103 – Photos, designs, and videos.
  3. pixel perfect digital – Free stock photography. This site does require attribution*!
  4. Photo Pin – Free photos!
  5. openclipart – Free clip art!
  6. pixabay – An outlet to both share and find free images.
  7. stock.xchng – Free photos!
  8. Creative Commons – This site is a collaborative page for creatives of all types. You can find images, text, and even videos with a varying level of copyright. Creative Commons offers free copyright licenses to creatives who would like to share their work on limited terms.

Don't be this guy.As you can see, there are plenty of places you can go online to find what you need. It’s true that many of these sites post images by amateur photographers or have photos that the pay sites have already rejected. That doesn’t necessarily mean that these images are bad, but they may not be up to the same level of quality as images for which payment is required. You know the old saying, “You get what you pay for.” Still, there are some good amateurs out there, and every professional started out as one, so don’t discount the option of finding something you can use here.

Using online images is a dicey proposition, but hopefully this post helped you to see some of the pitfalls and provided you with a few options to avoid them. If you have any suggestions or know of another quality free site I didn’t list here, put it in the comments below!

All images are courtesy of morgueFile.

*Attribution is the act of giving credit to the site from which you uploaded your photos. The morgueFile link is an example of attribution.

All the Leaves on My Gardenia are Dying and Falling Off

Ask the Expert: All the leaves on my Gardenia house plant are dying and falling off.

The Gardenia’s leaves are turning yellow on the outer edges then turning brown in the middle and falling off. What is the problem and how can it be corrected? – Cleo

Plant Expert Reply: 


Yellowing leaves can be a result of many different issues including fungus, insects, nematodes, insufficient light, temperature changes, over-watering or under watering. It can also simply be a result of the natural aging process. The oldest leaves of a Gardenia often turn yellow and fall off. To correctly diagnose the problem, I will need to know a little bit about the plant’s environment.

Is the problem occurring on lower older leaves of the plant?

Has the light, temperature or watering changed recently?

Do you see any webbing or signs of insects on the plant? You might need a magnifying glass to see the insects.

If you could send me a photo of the leaves that are yellowing that would be helpful. Once we diagnose the problem it should be very easy to correct.


Sorority Life: The Perfect Gift for Your Little

Bid Day is that happy day when sororities welcome new sisters into their chapter. Bid Day begins a countdown to the most glorious week for all new members, Big and Little reveal! Big and Little reveal comes once a year, and with as many presents as these Littles receive – license plates, t-shirts, jewelry, pass-downs and many more – it’s no wonder they call it Christmas!

It’s easy to spoil your Little before you know her. But I am here to help you do it RIGHT!

Rainbow of BloomsVery Special Delivery

One Classy Family [Read more…]

Ask the Expert: What Flower is This?

Unknown FlowerAsk the Expert: What flower is this?

What flower is this? The stem is long and slender. The buds are shown in the picture. The piston is short.

Thank you, Hyunmee

Plant Expert Reply:


It looks like something from the Malvaceae family, but I can’t be sure with only the flower photo. Can you send me a picture of the leaves and stalk?

Friday Florist Recap 10/5 – 10/11: Fantastic Florals

This week showcases some truly brilliant arrangements from florists all across the country! North, South, East or West, it doesn’t matter. Talented florists will express their creativity in the most gorgeous ways! Scroll down to see some of the most beautiful arrangements of the week!

Stunning Wedding Flowers

Wedding Bouquet from Deep Roots Floral and Wedding Design in Grovetown, GA

Wedding Bouquet from Deep Roots Floral and Wedding Design in Grovetown, GA

Corsage from Jocelyn's Floral, INC in Cedar City, UT

Corsage from Jocelyn’s Floral, INC in Cedar City, UT

A cascading bouquet from Wilma's Flowers in Jasper, AL

A cascading bouquet from Wilma’s Flowers in Jasper, AL [Read more…]

Posey Peddler – A Florist Improving Customer Service!

Posey Peddler FlowersAs part of Customer Service Week, (October 7th-11th) we wanted to share with you one of our members who is working hard to boost customer service and sales in their flower shop.

A Local Florist Taking Action

Bridgette Mills Arnold, a 30 year veteran of the floral industry, is the owner of Posey Peddler in Joneboro, Arkansas. The shop has been a fixture in the Jonesboro area since 1998 and serves the local community with custom gifts, flowers, plants and home decor.

Recently Bridgette brought in customer service and sales guru Tim Huckabee of Floral Strategies to conduct a workshop with her employees.

Why Floral Strategies?

Floral Strategies is the only on-site training program in the entire floral industry that teaches critically important customer care skills. This specific training empowers flower shop workers to give extraordinary customer service. As you can guess, this makes for happy clients that keep coming back.

Celebrate The Learning Experience!

FSN visited this bustling flower shop during their training seminar. Check out this video of Posey Peddler’s day with Tim Huckabee.

FSN Members: CLICK HERE to login & learn more ways to improve customer service and sales with specific tips from Tim Huckabee.

[Read more…]