Ask the Expert:
Could you please identify this plant. We live in Queensland Australia. It is a soft stemmed plant with a long tap root that is purple in colour. – Errol
Plant Expert Reply:
Sorry to be so tardy in with my identification, but I am having a difficult time. My initial thought was that it was a type of Datura or Brugmansia. However, the blooms of these plants are large and appear at the end of the stalk rather than on the stems. The bloom look like they belong to Phytolacca Americana. So I am not really sure.
Hopefully one of the blog reader will have an idea of what this plant is. READERS PLEASE HELP IDENTIFY THIS PLANT.
Looks like Poke Salad to me??
Attached Image: POKE SALAD.jpg
Looks like pokeweed (phytolacca americana) to me
It’s pokeweed!
Phytolacca americana