Ask the Expert: Can this plant recover?
The plant shown in the picture is turning yellow; it was ok until recently. The soil is hard, and I can’t tell if I’m watering it too much or too little. Some parts seem healthy but others seem to be unhealthy. Please also let me know what the plant is. Thanks for any help you can offer. Paul
Plant Expert Reply:
Your plant appears to be a Cyperus alternifolius commonly known as an Umbrella Plant. I believe that if you correct the water issue your plant will recover. Umbrella plants tends to like moist conditions, and suffer if the soil drys out. Since your soil is hard to the touch, and the plant looks the way it does, I would say that you are under-watering it. Cyperus alternifolis is a tropical plant so the wetter the roots, the better this plant does. Trim away any dead material and give the plant a substantial amount of water. Then keep the soil moist. In a couple of weeks, you should start to see new growth. Once the new growth emerges you can fertilize the plant with a water-soluble balanced fertilizer at 1/2 strength.
Good luck and I hope this information is helpful.