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Please Identify the Plant in this Picture.

Ask the Expert: I tried to find information about my houseplant on your web site, but I didn’t find anything that matches. Could you identify the plant pictured in the attached photo? Thank you! Lance

Aglaonema communtatum plant


You have an Aglaonema, specifically an Aglaonema commutatum ‘Treubii’.


  1. Lance E Sloan says:


    Thanks for the response! I tried to figure out what it was once before, but I couldn’t get a definite answer. I thought about it again today because I just noticed that the plant produced a flower. I’ve had this plant for 11+ years and this is the first time it has ever flowered.

  2. Lance,

    I have never seen blooms on an Aglaonema in person. My only knowledge of the blooms comes from photos. So, I find it exciting that yours is blooming.

  3. ron dineff says:

    Can you please help me identify this plant growing on my balcony while we were vacationing in Mazatlan, Mexico. thanks

    Attached Image: 341.jpg

  4. Ron,

    Sorry for the delay in my reply. I believe it is a pomegranate.

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