Ask the Expert: Where can i find Poinsettia retailers in MI?
Either retailers or wholesalers that sale Poinsettias fro a fund raisers. At a low price. Harmieya
Plant Expert Reply:
Most poinsettias can be found at a Michigan Flower Shop or Garden Center between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Depending on the quantity, the shop may have a quantity discount. Keep in mind, this time of year may seem like the perfect time for a poinsettia fundraiser. Which is partially true – it is a good time to sell poinsettias. However, on the wholesale level or the bulk quantity level, poinsettias may be hard to come by.
You may be able to find a poinsettia wholesaler who has a fundraising program and an over abundance of stock. I would check the following places for Michigan poinsettia wholesalers:
The Plant Masters of Suttons Bay in Suttons Bay MI.
Molesta Floral & Greenhouses 2960 Madison SE Grand Rapids, MI
Wojo’s in Ortonville and Davison MI.
If you can’t find poinsettias this year, plan ahead for next year. I like to book my poinsettia at least six months ahead. Good Luck and let me know how it goes.
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