Ask the Expert: How did the “Poinsettia’s are poison” myth happen
Are Poinsettias’ poison?
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This myth seems to have originated from a reported death of a 2-year-old Hawaiian child who ingested some poinsettia leaves. This poorly documented case is the only known poinsettia fatality. However, there is speculation that all of the evidence in this case is based purely on hearsay. There is little to no creditable published evidence to substantiate a poisonous quality in poinsettias.
Poinsettias are members of the Euphorbiaceae (Spurge) family. This family does, when damage, secrete a milky latex substance. This substance can cause skin irritation, eye inflammation, mucous irritation, GI tract distress, vomiting and nausea. If rubbed in the eyes can cause temporary blindness. With that said, you would have to ingest large quantities or come in contact with large amounts of this substance to cause severe problems. It is important to note that if your dog ingests this plant, he/she will become nauseated and vomit.
Fine that you say they are not poisonous. My cat ate a few leaves last week and now she is deathly sick. She has been vomiting up reddish orange puke and diarrhea and she is very week. So I don’t know what extensive tests have really been done, but take it from my first hand knowledge, keep them away from kids and animals.
Thank you for your input. The resources I used didn’t list poinsettias as a toxic plant, although they do cause nausea and vomiting if ingested in large quantities. Size of the person or animal ingesting the plant can make a difference as to how they are affected. With that said, I check with the Cat Fancier’s Association Inc. and found that on their cat plant toxic list that poinsettias are considered a low toxicity. Hopefully your vet can help your cat get over this sickness.