When selecting a new container keep in mind that lucky bamboo only likes to be crowded. Therefore your new container should be no more than two inches bigger than the old one. You don’t have to use pebbles or rocks in your container. However the pebbles and the rocks will help stabilize your lucky bamboo in the container and keep it from leaning. You can find pebbles or river rocks at your local garden center. Rinse both your new container and rocks thoroughly before you pot your lucky bamboo. Then place the lucky bamboo in your container and gently place the pebbles or river rocks around the base of the stems. Fill the container with distilled water . Now just treat it the same way that you did before and your good to go.
When selecting a new container keep in mind that lucky bamboo only likes to be crowded. Therefore your new container should be no more than two inches bigger than the old one. You don’t have to use pebbles or rocks in your container. However the pebbles and the rocks will help stabilize your lucky bamboo in the container and keep it from leaning. You can find pebbles or river rocks at your local garden center. Rinse both your new container and rocks thoroughly before you pot your lucky bamboo. Then place the lucky bamboo in your container and gently place the pebbles or river rocks around the base of the stems. Fill the container with distilled water . Now just treat it the same way that you did before and your good to go.