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What Is This Purple Wildflower With Small White Flower Inside?

Clarkia elegans Blooms

Clarkia elegans Blooms

Clarkia elegans

Clarkia elegans

Ask the Expert: Could you please help identify this wildflower?
This purple wildflower (with small white flowers inside) grew from a packet of wildflower seeds. It is currently growing in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Could you please help me identify it? I would love to grow more of it, but have no idea what it is!
Thanks in advance for your help. Lindsay

Plant Expert Reply:

It looks like a form of Clarkia unguiculata or Clarkia elegans. It is an annual flower that is naturally found on dry, open slopes in North America to South America. Some Clarkia make good cut flowers. I’m not sure if this species does, but you might try cutting a few stems.


  1. Thank you so much for your help! We spent many unsuccessful hours trying to identify it. It goes to show that you should always just ask an expert :)
    Thanks again!

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