I have read what was said about not enough water for my peace plant. However it is very large, 12″+ pot. When I water it water goes immediately to the bottom of the self watering tray and leaks out, but when I put my finger 1 knuckle down it feels dry. It is potted in potting soil. I have it in front of a west window. All the leaves are turning brown, green/brown, then yellow, but there is new growth in it as well. Do I cut off the brown leaves, or just cut off the browned area? – Joanne
Flower Shop Network Plant Expert Reply:
I would remove the brown leaves. Also, it sounds like your soil has at some point dried out completely, and has pulled away from the pot.
Fast & Complete Soil Re-hydration Method
In a case like this, you will need to let the soil hydrate completely from the bottom up, as well as from the top down. In the greenhouse, we submerse the pot in a five gallon bucket filled with water to let the plant absorb from the top and the bottom. This way the soil will be completely hydrate and will make it easier to water the soil in the future.
Hope this information is helpful.